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I walk downstairs the next morning in a leather chic outfit. Emmett was the first to notice me. He let out a nice low wolf whistle. The others turned around and saw me. Alice looked me up and down then looked at her ripped pale pink jeans and white tank top and black flats. Her reaction was priceless. Rosalie looks like she is gonna just jumps up and down all day. Royal locks eyes with me. I read his thoughts eww. Edward laughs at Royals thoughts. Jasper looks me up and down slowly walking towards me. He is about 2cm away from my face. He kisses my lips softly and slowly. I suddenly overhear the news.

".... the mass murderer of three kids and nearly killed another Conrad Reid has broken out of prison all airports have been put on immediate lockdown...." I suddenly zone out.

"Lena is that him...LENA" Emmett snaps. I come back into reality and I nod.

"Is that who" Jasper asks. I zone out while they explain everything.

"its time to go to school" Esme says. I nod. I've always respected Esme. I walk outside and get on my motorbike.

"Jasper Hale you put a helmet on or I swear your grounded "Esme shrieks. I laugh and hand Jasper my helmet. He gets on and puts his arms around my waist. I power up my motorbike.

I suddenly catch an unknown vampires scent. I ride off road into the forest my motorbike roaring down the dirt path.

"hold on" I say. Jasper holds on to me for dear life. I follow the scent. I crash my motorbike into the tree but I immediately stand up and chase the scent. Then I see who it is. Victoria.

"VICTORIA!!!!" I roar running after her. She jumps onto the wolf side of the forest. I get ready to lunge.

"Lena don't" Jasper shouts but he is to late. I've jumped over the treaty line. A grey wolf runs at me. I chuck him into the tree. Then a dark red one comes at me. Smashing his teeth at me. I scream. Then the wolf scratches the side of my face. Its all over the left side of my face. Its gonna scar. Then Emmett jumps over and smashes the dark red wolf back while Jasper runs to me. I cover my face. He can't see what has happened to me.

"Lena are you ok?" Jasper asks getting me back to our side of the treaty line.

"yes" I say still covering my face.

"then why are you covering the left side of your face" Emmett says worriedly as he walked over" what did Jacob do to you"

"wait that was Jacob" I ask

They both nod. Jasper moves my hand away from my face. He gasps. My whole left side of my face is scaring with one big scratch mark.

"What?" Emmett says. I turn around and he gasps. His fists clench in anger.

We walk back to the house me covering the left side of my face.

"There you are we were worried" Esme says. I try to smile but it would show my scars.

"I can't believe that Jacob would do that to you Lena" Emmett says putting an arm around my shoulders comfortingly.

"can't believe I would do what" Jacob says walking in through the main door.

"Lena what did he do" Edward asks. I sigh.

"you sure you would all like to know" I ask. They all nod. I lower my hand away from my face. Rosalie and Alice scream Royal just stands there shocked Esme and Carlisle look at me in worry and Edward Emmett and Jasper eye Jacob.

" what's going on" Bella says walking in. She looks at my scar.

"finally got a battle scar have we oh yeah you have only been in one battle cause your a wimpy chicken" she says. My eyes turn a dangerous shade of green. I transform into a jaguar. I go closer to Bella growling. Jacob wolfs out jumping in front of Bella.

Lets take this outside Jacob I mind link to him. He nods. I jump out the window and he follows close behind.

We fight. Then Bella jumps between us. I regret doing it as soon as I did it. I attacked her.

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