Am I good at drawing?

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I get my bag ready for school the next day

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I get my bag ready for school the next day. I pack my sketch cause I have a free period first so I figured id use that time to draw. I text Jasper last night. We have become official yay.

I walk downstairs to find my wheelchair and my phone when I see Kathleen looking through my phone messages.

"ohh someone's got themselves a boy friend" Kathleen coos as I snatch my phone off of her and I wheel myself outside with my bag on my lap. Thirty seconds later a car comes driving down. Yes Rosalie has come this time. I wheel over to her and stand up. She puts my chair in the back and I head in her car.

We arrive in the parking lot and I grab my bag. As I do my sketchpad falls out. Rosalie gets my chair then she picks up my sketch book.

"Can I have a look?" she asks.

"at free period" I say as Emmett jeep pulls up beside us and out jumps Jasper and Emmett.

" hey ma'am" Jasper says putting on an accent. I smile as Rosalie wheels me into school. At free period I get my sketchbook back out and on the table to show everyone.

"ready?" I say. They all nod there head. I open my sketch book.

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I see them all staring and I saw that they were staring at my drawings of them

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I see them all staring and I saw that they were staring at my drawings of them.

"omg these are good" Rosalie squeals

"you weren't supposed to see them" I say closing my sketchbook and putting it in my bag. I start to wheel off when a girl says something from behind me causing me to jump.

I turn my head around to see the new girl and Kathleen. That was it.I told her to stay away from me at school. I wheel off really depressed.

I reach outside and o make my way up to the forest. I look at myself. They are making me eat to make me fat but I have to eat. I stand up from my chair and start to walk towards the old dirt track. At the side of it is a motorcycle. I wonder. I get on it and ride around the dirt track. "mine" I thought.

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