Back to school

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Rosalie helped me get out of her car a week later, coming back to school felt weird after the accident my car was written off brand new as well but luckily my mother had taken insurance out on it. I slowly got used to my crutches my balance not the best on them but I could manage.

Soon enough a familiar Jeep and Volvo come into the car park pulling up next to Rosalie's car Alice and Edward stepped out the Volvo, Royal Jasper and Emmett all in the jeep and they all stare at me for a second Alice comes running over the others walking into the building completely ignoring me.

"Aleana your back oh my god are you ok" Alice said her voice not as high pitched as usual "the others would come over but they have detention" Emmett looked back at us his eyes looked sad but Rosalie just glared at him and he soon ran off the catch up with the others, I felt my heart sink in that moment, did they hate me, I don't know what I did wrong.

"yeah I'm fine Alice" I shrugged off the feeling and started hobbling forward towards the school the clicking of my crutches sounding at every step I took. It felt horrible by the time me and Rosalie made it to class everyone was already seated.

We sat at the back to try and avoid attention but alas the whole class kept turning around to stare at me. Great and as I thought it couldn't get any worse from there Emmett slams the school paper down in front of me. A picture from the accident on the front page the headline "new girl in horrific accident not even 6 hours into her first day" my heart sank at that point. As I read through the article there was statements from students, passers by and even the driver but what struck me was Jasper spoke on my behalf at the bottom of the article.

"You're joking" I looked up at Emmett and he shook his head.
"They wanted to come disturb you in hospital Jasper wouldn't allow it so he made out he 'called you' for your statement but just blagged it" Emmett shrugged before sitting next to Rosalie who still wouldn't look at him. That's odd.

When lunch finally rolled around I sat on the Cullen table my leg in agony and Rosalie brought me a bottle of water.
"Here it'll help the Tynenol go down" she handed it me and I took them and close my eyes, it was exhausting hurling around in crutches.

Chairs pull back and I opened my eyes slightly to see the Cullens all sat around and Jasper pushed a plate of food infront of me.
"Eat" in all honesty I didn't want too, I felt sick with pain and fatigue and I shook my head Jasper raised his eyebrows.
"Aleana eat" I shook my head again before getting up and hobbling out the back door, I wanted to be alone, but yet again Jasper followed me outside, I sat on the bench and he squatted infront of me looking me in the eyes.

"Aleana" I looked up at him and he gave me a smile "I sat with you in hospital every day you barely touched food there you haven't eaten today and your taking painkillers every 4 hours they won't work properly if you don't eat love"

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