CHP. 13

889 16 1

Nai's POV

"so, did he ask you out yet?!" Bailey asks jumping onto my bed.
"huh, who asked who out?" I ask confused looking up from my books. I've been researching my ass off the entire week. I had to complete 15 assignments in just a week.
" Ezekiel duh" ley says opening the packet of wafers. "wants some?" she asks and I shake my head.
"no he hasn't... Yet" I say sighing.
"girl what. Yall have been together all the time a week ago" I nod taking a seat on my bed. "yeah, um I don't really know where we're at" I respond.
"don't entertain any of his requests for a few days, and see how he comes begging at your feet" a familiar voice says walking into my room.
"I am so not doing that" I say shaking my head.
"but nai Alex actually has a nice idea" ley says taking her boyfriends side.
"I donno. Well talking about the dating situation, Alex, have you asked my girl here to be your girlfriend yet??" I say making eye cantact with Alex.
"uh well -" "YES. YES HE DID!! LAST NIGHT" ley screams interrupting Alex .
"awwwwwww" I say watching them look at each other.
"don't tell anyone though" Bailey says.
"okay enough love birds" Kat says entering my room. "you should actually distance yourself from zeke, you're giving him everything he wants, let him earn it" she continues.
"were u Evesdropping?" Alex asks cuddling into ley.
"hells yeah" Kat says.
"okay, okay enough about me. HOW HAVE YALL BEEN BESTIES!?! I haven't properly spoken to you guys in ages" I say in excitement.
We continue chit chatting for the entire afternoon

It's almost dinner time and there's a know on my door. "commin " I yell focused on my assignment. I hear footsteps come from behind me. I don't bother turning around. I feel a warm breath near my ear whisper "hey gorgeous" I turn to face him "oh hi, what are you doing here?" I ask zeke and he pecks my cheek.
"nothing, we just brought over some dinner for all of us" zeke answers.
"okay. Let's head out for dinner" I say closing my stetchbooks.

We make our way to the drawing room only to see everyone already eating. And in a minute we've joined them too.
"so zeke, when are you asking nai out?" Alex asks smirking at me. I give him a deadly glare only for him to grin harder.
" oh um, I, um" is all he says. Frowning I continue eating my food.
"you better claim her before I do" Ethan says earning a deadly glare from zeke and Alex. "Ethan, please shut up" Kat says making me laugh.

"uh guys, I wanted to tall you all something" Bailey speaks up while everyone eating ice cream. We all turn our attention to her. Jus then Alex intertwines their fingers and says "we're dating". I jump off the couch in excitement. "TIME TO BRING ME MY MONEY" I say screaming at the top of my lungs. "wait what?" ley asks completely shocked. "nai made a bet with a ll of us saying that the two of you are dating, well I guess she won and we not owe her 20 dollars" zeke says reaching for his wallet. "and I. Knew. Before yall told me today" I smirk.
"what the fuck" Alex says completely shocked "so wait nailea, you fucking knew?!" he asks in disbelief. I nod grinning ear to ear. "Unbelievable" ley sighs and we all laugh. Everyone starts leaving and I get up heading to my room. I don't bother saying goodbye to zeke. I close my room door behind me only to hear a knock seconds later.
"can I come in?" I muffled voice says from the other side. "yeah" I say walking towards the door. Zeke enters the room looking at me with a blank expression. "sup" I say walking back towards my bed. I plug the charger into my phone and start clearing up my bed. "I was just leaving" zeke says digging his hands into his pockets. "okay" I say and continue to clear my bed.
He walks over to me and hugs me from behind. "nai, are you mad at me?" he asks in the cutest voice. Ugh. "nope" I lie. I remove myself from his embrace and walk to the other side of my room. "nai, I know you are, please tell me what I did" he says with a guilty tone. "you did nothing. Goodnight. I'm gonna sleep I'm very tired" I say walking to the edge of my bed. "okay. Goodnight gorgeous" he says giving me a kiss on my forehead. He makes his way out of my room. As much as I wanted him to stay with me, I jus couldn't do that. His answer absolutely bummed me and at this point I don't even know what we are.
The next few days were a blur. I made minimum contact with zeke, but he didn't bother putting much effort either. I just got done with classes and am making my way to the Cafe closest to my classes. I order myself a little snack and a coffee and seat myself. I felt someone staring at me the entire time. While eating my croissant I see a tall boy, with golden /brown curly locks, dressed in a black tee fitting him perfectly, paired with some black cargo pants and a skateboard in hand. He already looks gorgeous.
I make my way out of the Cafe and towards the skatepark. Seeing the skateboard in that boys hand made me realize how long it has been since I've been to the skatepark. I spot a few old friends and make my way to them. We chat and catch up on the past few months. Soon I saw Alex and Ethan approaching us with Bailey and Kat right behind them.
I realize a boy doing crazy stunts and he looked familiar. He too had curly hair and his outfit- he was the same guy FROM THE CAFE. I turn my attention back to the group. Moments later a heavy hands taps on my shoulder I turn and "are you just gonna keep staring at me, or actually come say hi" the boys says.

Hi beautiful people! Sorry I haven't updated in ages just been a little busy, plus I needed to plan the story a little.

Vote, share and comment!

Also, any guesses on who the "boy" is?

Have an amazing day bestie 🥰 🥰

Much love,

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