CHP. 22

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Victoria's POV

I still remember the night clearly. Out of everyone, I didn't expect the person I loved so much to do this to me. I was heart broken. And very scared. Everything was unexpected.

I woke up that morning in an amazing mood. I was overly happy about last night. After a few months of dating Carter and I finally had sex. It wasn't my first time, but it was his. So I waited till he was ready.

The entire day was pleasant. Until 5.47 p.m. I got a call from a friend sofi. She told me to check my phone. When I did, I had been tagged in a lot of posts on social media. On doing further research I found out Carter had posted a video. More specifically, a video of, me.


Tears start pooling my eyes. Why. I feel my heart beat out of my chest. I couldn't breath. I didn't understand what's happening. How could he record that? I trusted that boy with my entire heart. Why would he doe something like that? Why would anyone do something like that?
"ring ring" my phone made a noise. Sofi is calling me. I answer and bring the phone it my ear. "Vic babe don't worry. I'm in the process of getting the video down." she sighs. "it's gonna go away don't worry." she says. "thankyou" is all I can say as I start sobbing.

Fucking asshole. Carter is nothing but a lying fucking asshole. I can't believe it. My sadness is now nothing but anger. I want to fucking kill him. The video got taken down immediately. But how could that bitch record us having sex?! I make my way to the bar cabinet  pulling out a few drinks before I commit murder.

I'm way too drunk. Hahahaha. Life is funny. Well, atleast my tits looked good in the video. And he got a good angle of my ass too. Ooo let's go tell Nai. I miss Nai. She is gonna think this is to funny, right? Right. Drive. Let's go to meet nai.

So many people honking. God calm the fuck down. I look back infront facing the road, only to see a bright ass light coming from my right. Before I could recognize -

.....end of flashback....

It was a truck. A huge ass truck. I could barely remember much from that day. But today, after seeing him. I couldn't help myself but cry. I trusted him. So much. I've lived that boy since i was 13. But he's never felt the same way. It's always been nai for him. I'm not jealous or anything but when he told me he liked me, my heart did a backflip. The feeling was so foreign and I loved it.

Ethan has been next to me since the restaurant. He is gripping onto our intertwined hands so tightly, I think I have lost all blood circulation.
"E, I think my hand has stopped receiving blood" I giggle. We've been on my bed for hours now watching Netflix. It is night time. "good, you deserve it" he replies. That's stings my heart. Deserve it. Did I deserve that video getting out? No one knows about it yet.

"I'm not joking, my hand actually is cramping" I say. He won't let go of my hand. "I don't care tori, you tell me what happened then I'll let go. Tori. I love how he calls me that. No one calls me tori, just him. And I want it to be that way. We fell asleep last night and waking up cuddled with Ethan felt nice. I felt safe, protected. Since he has woken up, he hasn't let go of my hand. We've been laying in bed only as it was still very early.

I sit up straight, then moving onto taking a seat on his lap, straddling him. He gives me a questionable yet satisfied look as he sits upright with me on his lap. "you wanna know what happened?" he nods. "promise me you'll hear me out" I say and his expression grows sour. "E, promise me please" I plead."okay" is all he says.

"so, remember the day of my accident, well, no one knew why I was drinking. So here's why. Carter and I had sex the previous night" I say and he makes a disgusted face and I laugh a little. "I had waited for him cause apparently he was a virgin. Well plot twist, hewasntavirginandherecordedme" I say hoping he did understand. "tori, what the fuck did you just say?" he asked genuinely concerned. I took one deap breath "he wasnt a virgin and he recorded us having sex, and he posted it. Mainly the video consisted of me as he blurred himself so he wasnt recognized" his jaw visibly clenches, he tries to get up but I stop him. "E you, you promised" I say tears coming to my eyes.

"how the fuck couldn't you tell us that before tori" he exclaims. "fuck." he says when he notices I'm crying. He wipes the tears from under my eyes pulling me into a hug. I feel him kiss my hair. "if anyone, anyone fucking messes with you again. Their gonna be dead. Fucking remember that" he whispers in my ear. "it wasn't your fault okay? You have got to know you're the most amazing person I know tori, and that Carter dude doesn't fucking deserve your tears." he continues. "so don't cry. It breaks my heart that I can't fix this" he says. I pull away facing him.

Without further thought I smash my lips on his. He immediately grips onto my thighs pulling me closer and kissing me back.

During lunch I told the group what happened. They were all so supportive and sweet. Nai and I had another crying session which I didn't realize I needed. The guys went and made Carter leave town, and as per Alex, both Ethan and Zeke threw a few punches. I'm not even complaining.

I'm so grateful to have such amazing friends, my second family support me so much.


Okay I know I said there will be smut, but I needed to add a chapter addressing what happened between Vic and Carter. And I loved the POV change.

Annyywaayss your favorite zeke and nai will be back next chapter. This is just a filler 💗

I'm finally done with exams! I have another exam in a months time, but let's yo girl enjoy.

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Have an amazing day besties ❤️

Much love,

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