CHP 27

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my heart is breaking. I hated speaking to him that way. But i couldnt help myself, i was angry and hurt ... so goddamn hurt. As soon as Zeke leaves i say my goodbyes to zakai. To be very honest, i wasn't enjoying his company. He just happened to approach me and i wasn't able to find a way to get rid of him.

I make my way to the cafe and find myself a seat in one of the corners, secluded from the elderly crowd gathered at a table. I start focusing on reading a book when a waited comes to my table. He asks me if i would like to order and i proceed to do so. "Uhh one biscoff cheesecake and a medium hot chocolate please." I lift my gaze from the menu to look up at the waiter. He's the one I've seen often at this cafe, but he's usually behind the counter. " Aren't you usually behind the counter?" I ask before I could even stop myself. "Have you been stalking me miss" he replies making me scoff. "I haven't been stalking you, i just notice." I say trying to dismiss this conversation. He's tall. Not as tall as Zeke but nearing his height. He wears a tight black shirt that makes it obviously he has a lean muscular body, with blonde hair and brown eyes.
"If you say so miss.."
"Nailea" i respond.
"Ah. Well nailea I'll quickly get back behind the counter and get started on your order. Also we are short staffed, resulting in me being here, taking your order." He turns and walks away while i nod to myself and continue reading. Like he promised, within 10 minutes i had my order infront of me.

After 2 hours, i finally start packing up all my shit and stand from the chair. I made my way to the counter and drop 5 dollars into the tip jar when the waited appears next to me and says "thankyou for visiting, i hope to see you again."

" I never got your name" i state. "Connor." He replies with a wink and walks away.

I enter my house only to be hit with the strong smell of pasta. It's the one Zeke makes. For me. I make my wait to the living room, dropping off my bag and then to the kitchen only to see Zeke cooking. I lean on the door frame watching him cook with such ease. It reminds me of the night at his place back in Hartford. Hes wearing headphones and hasn't realised I've been watching him for a few minutes now.

He turns to serve the food in two plates when he finally notices me and removes him headphones. "Hi" i say.
Without saying anything he drops the pot onto the counter, makes his way to me in 3 long strides and hugs me. So tightly it takes my breath away.
"Imsorryimsorryimsorry" he chants in my ear bringing tears to my eyes. "Please let me explain Tara please hear me out" he says his shoulder beginning to tremble. "You're the only good think in my life, please let me explain, please" he continues and a year falls from my eyes. I hug him back as we both slide on the ground, me on his lap as we cling to each other.


Im so grateful she agreed to hear me out. I don't let her get up from my lap, instead i hold onto her thighs with my shaky hands just so she doesn't go away.
I explained everything. Right from the beginning. I told her about aaria and told her what she did to me. And that whatever i said or did yesterday i genuinely didn't mean. It just all came back to me in the moment but i regret it.
"You're it for me nailea. You're my person" tears flowing non stop from her eyes and i wipe them away. "I will do anything for your forgiveness nai" i continue "or i wouldnt be able to live with myself." A tear rolls down my cheek this time. The mere thought of losing nailea cuts through my heart like a sharp blade. "I don't ever wanna live without you nai because i love you. I love you so fucking much it hurts my mind and body when im not with you. I love you so much, that i have to resist myself from pulling out the eyeballs of any guy who even looks in your direction. I love u so goddamn much that i would give up my entire life for you. And only one can wish to find their person. And now that I've found mine, i will never every let you fucking go cause Nailea Tara Harding, you.are.mine." i say letting out a sigh.


Lol hi my loves😭 how are y'all doing!!
I'm in 11th now. Crazzzyyyy isn't it.
Also 16 now. Hella fucking crazy😵

Ill try my best to finish this book soon!!
Ill also edit a few chapters lmfao

Have an amazing day
Much love,

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