CHP. 17

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I love u.
Nai's POV

Fucking finally. I DID IT!! I FREAKING DID IT!! I PASSED MY EXAMS. Oh my God. It's feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I didn't think I could pass my exams with everything happening in this past week. Vic has now recovered almost fully, and I couldn't be happier. She's moving in with ley, Kat and I as she too in enrolling into business school here in New York. She still hasn't told me the cause of her accident and that bugs me a lot. I keep asking her, yet she keeps brushing it off.
Tests started this week and are finally over. Since I'm in fashion school, there isn't exactly exams but we have to complete projects in a day, which is so freaking stressful. Zeke has been calling and checking on me daily. He's currently in Hartford on behalf of his parents attending some fancy ass ball. He begged me to come along but due to classes I couldn't. But he understood what I was saying and promised to be back soon.
My mum and dad came to the city yesterday and visited Victoria in the hospital. She's going to be discharged in a week and I couldn't be happier.

I take a seat at my study table with some coffee and toast. It's an early morning today, I have to Join online classes at 7.30 am. It's 7am right now, and at any moment I may just black out. I've been so tired all week, barely getting any sleep. It's upsets me how badly I'm treating my body right now. Scrolling through insta I see pretty boy posted after ages. God I miss him.

(ignore time stamp bestie)

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(ignore time stamp bestie)

My girl. He really just said that. Reading those words give me butterflies in my stomach. Even though zeke is being the perfect boyfriend. I don't know where we stand. He didn't exactly ask me to be his girlfriend, wait does he think he's my boyfriend? Are we dating? I can't help but overthink this. Did we start dating and I don't even know? I don't know if I should ask him or not, what is I come off as-
"beeeeeeeeep" the alarm on my phone goes pulling me out of my trance. I proceed to set my desk up and joining the zoom class. Since we don't have to keep our cameras on, I didn't bother changing my clothes of fixing my hair. I am in some Grey sweats paired with a red hoodie I borrowed from zeke, which might I add is too big for me. My hair in a low ponytail. As I sip on my coffee and begin to write down notes, putting my phone on silent.
Checking the time, I let out a tired sigh. The day has just started, and I'm tired. Amazing! Class just got over, it's now 10 am. I make my way to kats room checking if she's up. I knock on her door receiving a "come in" from her I enter. "hiiiiii" I say singing my word, and fall on her bed. "what happened to you?" she questions. "just tired as fuck" I murmur. "hmm. So what are your plans for today?" she asks opening her closet and pulling out some clothes. Holding up a sundress on her body she asks for approval. "oo yes that one is so cute." I say "I want to visit Vic and then I might drop by zekes house paying shark a visit. Shark is going to be alone today as Ethan and Alex too are going out" I say supporting my head in my hands. "speaking of zeke. When is your boyfriend coming back?" she asks walking out of the already open bathroom. "he's not my boyfriend. And he's coming back tomorrow" I say. She senses the disappointment in my eyes and frowns. "I thought you two are dating, yall sure act as it." she says making me look at her. "I donno. It's like we spoke, he told me how much he likes me, but still hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. So I'm just Hella confused" I state. "I don't even know what's going on. Like what if he thinks we are dating? Or like what if we are dating and I don't know?" I continue. "this is clearly bugging you a lot, but don't worry nai. Zeke is a smart guy, if he knows better, he will ask you out soon. Don't stress your pretty little head so much. And if zeke doesnt ask you soon, I will Kill him." she says making me giggle. "I have to leave for work now, but have fun today okay! You've been working your ass off this entire week. And you deserve a rest day" Kat says walking closer to the bed. She puts her coat on and grabs her sling bag, and a pair of sunglasses. Giving me a kiss in my head she says "bye nai. I love you. Take care" and leave her room. "byeeee have an amazing day" I say smiling. Im so grateful to have that girl in my life.

I make my way to leys room. It's empty, the bed hasn't been slept in telling me that she probably stayed over at Alex's. I decide to go for a shower and get ready. I step out of the shower and walk to the closet. Pulling out a white crop top, I pair it with some black sweats and and unbuttoned jersey shirt which I may or may not have stolen from zeke. But I guess, we'll never know.

After 15 minutes of walking I finally reach his apartment

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After 15 minutes of walking I finally reach his apartment. I knock on the door hoping Ethan or Alex are still there to let me in. The door swings open to reveal bailey. Her hair is up in a messy bun and her cheeks as red as tomatoes. "oh hi nai, we were just about to leave" she says. Something is different about her. Her face is, glowing. NO FUCKING WAY. THEY DID IT. My eyes shoot open in surprise, "you little shit" I exclaim. She notices my shock and pulls me in rushing me into the living room. I'm guessing Alex is still in the room. "you did it didn't you" I ask grinning ear to ear. "I have no idea what you're talking about" she says trying to brush it off. "ohhhh pleeaaasseee I can see it from your face, you had sex didn't you" I question again. She looks at the ground and starts sayin "yeah, I did. And nai I can't tell you how ama-" "we ready to leave?" Alex walks in interrupting her. She nods and smiles sheepishly. "have fun love birds" I say waving at then as they leave tha apartment. Making my way to zekes room I keep my bag on the bed. Sharks runs into the room to greet me. "hii boy, how are you oh I missed you" I baby talk to him. He's such a beautiful dog.

A few hours have passed, I completed homework, gave shark food. Took him for a walk, made myself some food and have been watching Netflix. I love zekes bed. It's so damn cozy and a plus point, it smells like him. I have decided to dtay over as I'm very freaking tired to walk back home. Since I'm home alone I discarded my pants and the jersey, leaving me in my white crop top and panties. I went braless so I'm extremely comfortable under zekes sheets. I can't wait to meet him. I know thingas aren't where I want them to be, but I still miss him. Even though we aren't dating, it just feels like we are. But what if it's one sided. God, stress is making me over think about everything. I decided to continue watching Netflix. Soon I feel myself falling asleep.

Zeke's POV

I decided to come home early. I can't fucking wait to meet her. God I've missed her so much. Throughout the drive home all I could think of was her. Ethan told me she came over today, I asked her to. And he even informed me that she hasn't returned to her apartment, probably meaning she's staying over. At my house. In my bed. I need to get home faster. I'm sprinting through the parking area towards the elevator. As soon as I reach my apartment, I begin to unlock it. I can smell her perfume. Yes I get it,that sounded very creepy but, she's my girl. I don't care. My girl, WAIT FUCK. I HAVEN'T ASKED HER TO BE MY GIRL. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I will. I quickly enter my room to see Netflix playing on the TV. Brooklyn nine-nine. Her usual. I move my gaxe to the bed. And there she is, as beautiful as ever. Her hair is a mess. Cute. The comforter has ridden down from her body, exposing her toned legs. She's in her underwear. Fuck. Without any hesitation I quickly remove my shoes and shirt leaving me in sweatpants and get into bed. I pull the covers over her body so she doesn't get cold. I move the hair on her face. Her eyes slowly open as she murmurs "zeke?" she says whispers shocked. "yes baby, go to sleep" I say stroking her cheek with my thumb. She leans into my touch as she cuddles up against me. I put a hand on her waist and pull her even closer as I tightly hold on to her. Soon I fell asleep.

Long ass chapter, but probably my favorite for now. Took me ages to write but worth it. Well let's hope zeke asks her out asap. Anways I'll try to update soon I promise.

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Have an amazing day besties 🤍

Much love,

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