CHP. 16

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Nai's POV

My vision was blurry. I couldn't move from my seat. My hand were shaking, and there was this horrible feeling in my chest. It felt as if my lungs were on fire. "calm down baby, it's gonna be fine" zeke said pulling me to his chest.

"nailea?" a woman said entering the waiting room. At first I didn't realise she took my name. But when I did I couldn't respond, I look up right at her and she nods walking out of the waiting room, indicating I had to follow her. I get up from where I was sitting, almost immediately tripping, when his strong arms helped me balance myself. He helped me walk to the room.

"she isnt responding right now, she has severe internal bleeding, few broken ribs and a fractured leg, but she's stable" now a male doctor spoke. I nodded and walked towards the bed. My eyes still teary, and hands clammy. I can't look at her. Her face is purple and black and she's hurt. I hate this so much.

"Vic, I love you. Please get well soon.
I -" I start sobbing holding onto her hand. Zeke is now trying to calm me down but I can't be calm. My fucking bestfriend, she's hurt. She's fucking hurt.

After a few hours, I slowly open my eyes. I think I fell asleep. It's now 8 in the morning and I check my phone. A hundred texts and phone calls from my parents. I turn to see zeke. I fell asleep on his chest. He too was sleeping. Not wanting to wake him up, I slowly get up and put the blanket, on him. "where are u going?" he says in a groggy voice, but eyes shut. "I'll be back, just checking with the doctors" I say to him and he nods.

Stepping out of the room I see vics parents talking to the doctors. I walk over to them, when her mom spots me. "oh sweet girl, come here" she says pulling me into a hug. We both start crying and reassuring each other that's is gonna be fine. After five minutes I pull away when I feel another person behind me. I turn to see zeke. He looks at me with sad eyes. Before I could say anything, he pulls me to his chest, holding me tightly. I don't say anything and just stand there. It felt good. I can hear him introduce himself to her parents.

It's lunch time. Zeke has been asking me to eat. But I couldn't get myself to. "nai, doll, please eat. You've barely gotten any sleep and now you're not eating. Please eat or you will get ill" he said as He wiped the tear off my cheek and I nodded. He bought a sandwich and a drink as I took a seat at the table. We came to the food hall. There were barely any people there. I could see a lady, around my mom's age. Her eyes were bloodshot red and yet she was smiling. I turn to see who she was smiling at, at there was a young girl at the entrance in a wheelchair, moving towards the lady. The girl had bandages on her head, and a nurse pushing her wheelchair. The lady jumped from her seat in excitement and hugged the girl. "oh baby, I missed you. You remember me? I'm mama" said the lady to the girl.

"here nai, eat" zekes voice made me turn my head to focus on him. I turned to see concern in his eyes. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw me looking at him. "why are you looking at me like that?" a half smile appeared on his face. Without saying anything, I kiss him. It was a soft kiss. He immediately kissed back moving his hand to my cheek. We pull away and I hug him. "thankyou zeke, for everything." I say nuzzling up against him.

"SHE'S AWAKE! OH GOD THANKYOU. THANKYOU LORD" a voice came from inside the room. My eyes opened in a heartbeat. It's the second day since we arrived at the hospital. Victoria hasn't woken up even once in these two days. It's 2 in the morning and I was just about to fall asleep, when vics mom screamed. I quickly get up and make my way to the room. Her mom is hugging her and her dad is bawling his eyes out. She could barely smile, but a tear escaped her eye. Chuckling at her mom she hugged Her mom back the best she could. I jus stood at the entrance watching them, and started crying. Zekes hands were on my waist and drawing small circles on either side.

"I'm back bitches" Vic said in a low voice and I laughed. She most definitely is back. Her mom gives me one last hug before leaving the room. And I make my way to Vic. I give her a hug being careful not to hurt her. "you fucking bitch" I screamed and she got scared for a second, but a smirk appeared on her face. "HOW COULD U DO THAT TO ME" I say as zeke and her laugh at my reaction. I move away as zeke hugs her. "are you okay?" I ask. She gives me a weird look and says "do I look okay?" before I could say anything she continues, "no I'm not okay, it hurts like a bitch but atleast I can tell my grandchildren that their grandma Issa fucking rebel" she says making us all laugh.

After a few hours, both Vic and zeke are yelling at me. I refused to go home and now they are upset. "nai please go home, come back after a few hours if u like, but go have a shower. U stink" she lies trying to get me to go. I know for a fact I don't stink. "come on Tara, we'll come back I promise" he says putting a hand on my cheek. His thumb is now tracing my lower lip and he leans in a little. I feel Vic staring into my soul. I give him a quick kiss on the lips and turn to Vic. She's grinning like an idiot. "awwwwwwwwww. Now nai go home" she commands. I nod kissing her forehead. Zeke says goodbye and we leave the room. "have fun! Use protection" I hear her scream. Heat rushes up to my face, and I can feel myself blush. Whereas zeke chuckled beside. While walking he laces our hands together placing a kiss on my head. I lean on him a little, as we walk to the car.

That was intense as fuck. I got so sad writing this chapter. I hope yall liked it and I'm trying my best to update sooner 🤍 so sorry besties 😭

But please do vote, share and comment.

Have an amazing day bestie 🤍

Much love,

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