Chapter 54

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"We going back?" Dally asked.

Estelle started at him, a bit confused. "No. Why would we do that?"

"Cause I fucking hurt you!"

"And you can make it up by getting me some popcorn and candy. Simple."

"You really think that's smart?"

"Well, I mean, the alternative is to go home to Darry and be like "Oh, Dally and I can't work our shit out, here we are!" You really want to do that?"

"No," Dally muttered.

"'Kay then. Let's go."

Dally laughed at her while she struggled to climb the fence at the drive in. She was glad they didn't have a camera, or else that would be forever captured on a photograph.

"Quit being an asshole and help me!" She hissed.

Dally formed a step with his hand and boosted her over.

"What a gentleman," she whispered sarcastically as she stumbled a bit on the landing.

"Be grateful I didn't shove you over," he said.

"Yes, I'm very grateful."

A few Socs and Greasers noticed them enter, giving mixed reactions. She saw a few snickers and several whispers, no doubt outlandish rumors about the couple.

"Ah, pay them no mind," she said airily as she swung herself into a seat.

"What the fuck did you do?" Dally asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry about it," she said in a light singsong gone, which did absolutely nothing to ease Dally's concerns.

"Tell me!"

"Do you actually want to know, or do you just want to know the rumors?"

"What's the difference?"

"Well, one is you wanting information, one is you actually taking it in and realizing how it affects you and me."

"Just tell me, I don't give a shit."

"Then if you don't give a shit why are you asking?"

Dally glared at her, and she took a deep breath, containing her shit-eating grin.

"Well, when I picked you up from with Tim, I told him you were queer. And I'm sure he told people, I didn't exactly say it was a secret or anything. And then when I returned Cherry's dress, a couple of Socs were there just waiting for me to do something, so it may have sounded like she left it over from, you know," she said suggestively.

"You what!" Dally burst out, gathering some angry complaints from people actually trying to watch the movie.

"So rumor has it I'm playing both you and her, not a bad situation if you're asking me," she snickered.

Dally looked ready to explode. "What the hell?! Who were the Socs? I'll go beat their asses!"

She just shrugged calmly. "No can do. I have no idea who the hell started the rumors. But you're welcome to ask Cherry, I'm sure she would know."

He just grunted and jumped out of his seat.

"Where are you going now?" She fake-pouted. "You haven't gotten my candy yet."

"Oh, wipe that look off your face. You look like Sylvia."

"Low blow," she said with an offended look on her face. "Comparing me to your ex?"

"Well, you started a rumor that you're sleeping with a Soc and that I'm a fucking queer, I was just being honest."

"Where are you going?"

"To find that good for nothing Tim."

"Sounds good to me, make me proud. Go kick his balls back in, I didn't actually mean for that rumor to start."

Dally just rolled his eyes. "Sure."


She figured they'd be heading off towards Buck's, and she was right. Dally charged in, and immediately found Tim. He didn't hesitate to ram his fist into Tim's jaw, probably knocking out a tooth or two.

She just stood in a corner and crossed her arms, as she waited for them to finish their bullshit. She heard them exchange a few words in between swings, but along with the crowd egging them on and a few trying to break them apart, no one could hear what they said.

She just laughed, if put into different context, the two boys on the floor wrestling on the floor could come off as pretty queer as well, as they grasped at each other's bodies in attempts to gain control.

She waited for them to get it together, as Buck himself angrily and drunkenly broke through the crowd.

"Get the fuck out, I don't want fighting or trouble tonight!"

"Little too late for that," she muttered lowly.

Buck did his best to kick them apart, while a few people also started successfully pulling them apart.

Tim grinned maliciously at Dally, his mouth bleeding and a few teeth messed up. "You done, little buddy?"

"Not until you're six feet under," Dally sneered in response.

"Pack it up, pack it up," Babydoll said loudly. "I ain't got all night, finish it or go outside."

Tim laughed a bit and turned to her. "No need, no need. We're done here, right Dally?"

Dally didn't answer, he just glared at Tim as he stalked out.

"Kiss his boo-boos for him, will you?" He hollered after Estelle.

That pissed her off, she was already mad at herself and at Tim on Dally's behalf.

She marched up to him and cleanly knocked out one of his front teeth, and watched it fall. It fell into Tim's  jacket pocket, and she laughed.

"Put that under your pillow tonight, Tim. Maybe now you'll get that cash you owe me, eh?" She said, roughly patting him on the back.

In Tim's inebriated state, he seemed to be unaware of what cash he owed her, and he looked like he was desperately trying to remember. Babydoll was someone you did not want to be in debt to.

She smiled a bit to herself. She'd made that up on the spot.

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