Chapter 2

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The Green-eyed Man And The Coffee Shop

I opened my eyes, breathing in and out rougly as I shot my body up into a sitting position,

I am sweating. I have dreamt of something unpleasant, but I can't remember what it was.

I turned my head to the left and saw the clock,

It is currently eight in the morning.

Something does not feel right. Am I still dreaming? Everything around me seems a little unnatural, even my own body. What is this? What have I been dreaming this time?

I slapped my face, and felt the pain radiating throughout my body, I am definitely not dreaming anymore.

I shrugged my shoulders, and threw my thoughts away. I got up and steadily walked to the bathroom.

Ah~ I'm having a headache right now, I should take this day easy.

Stepping in the showers, I twisted the knob and felt the hot waters fall onto my skin as I sighed in relief.

Uraraka. It's that girl's last name. Her presence is as calming as when you're drinking actual tea, if not more. I wonder if I would see her outside.

I felt my cheeks flush in red.

Placing my hands on both sides of my head, I let out a breath of frustration. Just what am I feeling right now?

Ah, I need a coffee.

The moment I finished showering, I immediately put on my clothes and ran outside from the house.

I slowed down my pace and continued walking, I spotted a coffee shop nearby and started going there.

every step I made has sent nervous feelings through my spine, honestly, I really want to see her again. Why am I feeling like this?

As I walked closer and closer to the coffee shop, I could smell the calming scent of peppermint and pumpkin spice,

Mmm~ I really need this..

I touched the screen door and pushed it inwards, hearing a little twinkle coming from a small bell dangling underneath the ceiling. It caught my attention so I looked up.

This is cute...

"Welcome- oh! It's you, Midoriya!"

That woman's voice.

I lowered my head and had my eyes fixated on the source of the voice,

I felt my face heat up once again, it's her.

It's her, I can't believe it. "Ochaco Uraraka, right?" I asked, letting out a stutter mid-sentence.

Uraraka giggled while nodding, she then said with a giddy tone, "I was hoping I'd see you again!"

I walked towards the counter, and saw the sight infront of me getting closer and closer.

I swear, her smiles could really light up the whole place, I can actually feel the atmosphere getting happier and happier with every step I make. My stomach churned and I instantly felt my heart beating rapidly. It was so fast that I swear it could escape my body anytime soon. It hurts, but it's a good kind of hurt.

"I~" I started, looking into her eyes, I feel the corners of my lips upturn in a small smile while continuing, "It's good to see you here. I never knew you work here."

Ah, I don't think I've ever smiled in a decade. That is probably an exaggeration.

She let out a small laugh again,

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