Chapter 16.5

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The Blonde-Haired Man And Atonement

And here I fucking am, driving the shitty nerd to our destination. You know what, I shouldn't be calling him a 'Shitty Nerd' anymore. It's been too long, yet it still feels like yesterday. Deku will probably never forgive me for what I did to him, but I gotta atone for my mistakes. Ah fuck this.

But damn, my pride is through the roof, and I know it.

"Deku." I mentioned his name as I stirred the wheel of the car, I looked into the said greenette, I felt nervousness rush through my veins, seeing this son of a bitch's dark aura form within him is making me shiver. "Remember back then?"

"Yeah, and what about it, Bakugo?" Deku blunty responded, blankly, staring into oblivion. This fucking idiot can really get into my nerves.

But I somehow can't get mad.

Fuck. I really messed up, didn't I? He couldn't even call me my nickname anymore. Fuck.




What do I do?

"I-" I focused on the driveway, thinking of what I should say to him, I'll probably be dead before he even gets to fight. "You have changed alot since then."

"And you think you weren't the cause of the sudden change."

I felt my eyes sting, the atmosphere is too heavy.

I squeezed the stirring wheel tightly, so tightly that I felt smoke coming out of my hands, I think I might explode anytime soon, not by anger though. Ah fuck, I should be in jail by now. "No-! I just-!" I breathed out through the nose, closing my eyes for a second before opening it up once again, "Deku, you totally hate me by now."

"No." He answered, but somehow, I could still feel the heavy atmosphere. I did so fucking much, and all of the damn things weren't good things. Threatening him, beating him up, telling him to take a swan dive off the roof. What was my ass even thinking back then? Why can't I bring myself to soften up?

But his response was shocking to me.

"What?" I asked, stomping on the pedal as I know I want to drive faster.

"I can never hate you, Bakugo." The clear emphasis of my name rang in my ears as he added, "I don't know why, I should be despising you right now. We both know what you did. But I just can't hate you." The emotionless yet strong tone in his voice was evident to me that he's completely unreadable. "But you can't bring back my happiness."

Ah fuck, I messed up too badly.

"I-.." Damn it, this is out of my character, and I fucking know it.

I'm supposed to be Katsuki Bakugo, the greatest there is. No one, and nothing should be able to stop this fucking son of a bitch. No one has the right to shut me silent, I'll fucking kill 'em if they do.

"You have to apologize to my girlfriend."

"What?!" I exploded, squeezing the steering wheel tighter as I heard a pop coming out of it, "I didn't do anything, you shitty ner-"

"Apologize." Ah God, it's that tone in his voice again. I wonder where the idiot got it from. Maybe his father taught him how to do it? This one hell of a captain used to be a pussy back then. I could only wince at the memories. Deku added, "Even simple words can make or break people, so I suggest you say sorry to her and move on, you big-headed prideful bitch."

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