Chapter 19

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The Brown-eyed Girl And Hope

It's another day at work, and I am currently closing down once again. It went by so fast, and so many customers came and went. I feel kind of better this time around.

It's been a week since the last meeting with Bakugo, and ever since then, I have been holding on to hope that Deku, my Izuku Midoriya, is still out there walking to get back to home.

It still hurts, knowing that my beloved's not standing by me, but I know he's doing his best. "Hah~ I miss you, but you know what?" I smiled in glee, grabbing a damp towel that was sitting on the counter top, "You wouldn't want me to be sad, I still have hope in you."

I miss him. Everyday. I always do.




It's a thing that you can lose so easily.

Yet a thing you can regain with time.

"Oi! Round face!"

And~ there we go.

I turned around, and saw a spiky-haired blonde entering the coffee shop once again, this time, with a big grin on his face. "Oh Bakugo! What a surprise? Here for a decaf?"

He seems happier. What's gotten into him?

"Oh fuck yeah!" He chuckled, going to his usual sitting spot while I headed to the station. And with eyes sparkling with joy, the said man, unlike his old self, was humming a tune that sounded quite familiar to me.

"Hey Bakugo? What song is that?" I asked, grabbing a mug, and placing it on the counter. I was genuinely curious. It was a song I heard from a certain someone.

The said man made a questioning 'hum?' sound before making his lips form into an 'O' shape. "Oh this? It's Bright by Ecosmith. Deku used to sing this back in our last deployment every time before going to sleep."

"Did you, and Jupiter conspire to get me? I think you, and the moon, and neptune got it right..Cuz now I'm shining bright~"

I gently giggled at the thought. It was still very painful, but it was somehow bearable to me. "He's a good singer, hum? Is there anything he can't do?"

"He's damn good at singin'," Nodding, Bakugo calmly leaned back against the backrest of the chair. With eyes obviously directed at me, he chuckled, "But fuckin' nerd don't know how to dance. He stiff as shit! You should'a seen him dance!"

I snorted, and wheezed, totally imagining the funny scene of the greenette.

I finished the coffee, and I walked over to where Bakugo was sitting. I took a chair infront of him and sunk down on it. I placed the mug on the table, "You look up to him a lot, huh?"

He took the mug, and took a small sip, then moaned in delight, "Damn yeah, ever since back then honestly, but my ego was too fuckin' high that I denied the feelings until just recently ago."

I stared into Bakugo's piercing crimson eyes, I could somehow see Deku in him, but maybe it's because they're childhood friends. I then replied in a serious tone, "How does it feel knowing that Deku's missing in action?"

"Damn hard, round face, damn hard." He sighed, closing his eyes in the process. He then gritted his teeth so hard that it could be heard across the room, "I... Haven't been the best around him."

"I could tell."

"I know." Bakugo clicked his tongue, looking at his drink. He seems captivated by it. Maybe he's thinking of an answer? "Well... If I could just get rid of the fucking guilt, maybe things could get easier for once. The guilt of ruining his life, the guilt of not being there to save him, all of it's just sitting around like shit knows."

There, silence overcame us. Awkward, suspenseful, overwhelming.

But we all know the blonde can't take the quiet, so he proceeded, "Uh, how about you, Uraraka?"

Here we go.

"He's my beloved, of course I'm going to be pained about it..." I let out a breath as I sunk down even more, letting my back rest against the chair, "But I didn't know it was going to be this painful."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I know Deku doesn't want us to be sad, and I am trying to be as positive as I can be. I have hope with me, and that's enough to keep me going, but~.." I started twiddling my fingers while furrowing my eyebrows in a bit of a distress, I then continued, "I'm just missing him so badly right now. The time where he made me the best hot chocolate ever, the time where he showed his vulnerable side to me, I'd like to experience that with him once more, because it makes me feel alive. Just being with him in general makes me feel that way."

I felt tears coming out of my eyes as I quietly whimpered,

"I know the brewing station looks complicated, but trust me, once you get the hang of this place, you'll be brewing as good as me!" I let out a small chuckle after that, he then softened his eyes,

I guess that helped a lot.

The other nodded once again with his hand clutched on his chest, "Teach me your ways."

Smiling at him, I replied, "Alright. Now please step inside the brewing station, we'll start from there."

"I'd like to make coffee with him again.. I mean, he is the reason why our business has been skyrocketing." I brought my hands up, and wiped my slipping tears, gasping lightly, "But other than that, I just love him, and I don't think I'll ever take it if he died. Hearing him deemed 'missing in action' is already painful to begin with, but 'killed in action'? I don't think-"

"It's okay, I know." Interrupted the blonde, looking at me with eyes softening. He stood up with bent knees, and slowly leaned forward, both of our faces still a little far away from each other, yet close enough to make it uncomfortable for me, "But Deku wouldn't want us to be sad now, right?" He grabbed his belt buckle, and I heard a small clank coming from it.

With my fast reflexes kicking in, I leaned back instantly, "Sorry, but you know I have a boyfrie-"

"Oh sorry, I was readjusting my shirt." Bakugo said, tucking in the hem of his said shirt, and going back to his seat hurriedly, "I must'a looked fuckin' creepy while doing that. Don't worry though-" He flashed a toothy smile, "I like dick, not pussy!"

Oh. Okay. Surprising.

"Ah.. Gotcha.." I giggled, still quite taken aback by the sudden confession. "I never took you for someone who's~" I bent my wrist as a sign, "You know.."

Bakugo laughed before sighing, "Oh~ Trust me, I never took myself as that too! Like me? Gay? Aw hell nah.", He then took his phone out, and unlocked it, probably to look at the time. "But a certain someone got me realizing that, ohh~ looks like I am gay."

Right after finishing his sentence, he showed me his screen, revealing a familar man with each of his eyes in diffrent hues,

"Shoto Todoroki?" I asked, slightly shocked, "I thought Yaoyoroz-"

"She's with Kyoka."

I blinked my eyes profusely. Am I hearing this right? She's that one friend Deku was talking about in one of his letters.

"Oh." I simply replied.

"Shocking, I know." Scoffed the man playfully,

We then heard knocks coming from the glass door, so we both turned out heads to the direct source, only to see a very familiar man with his seemingly disheveled hair wet from what looks like to be a really bad storm.

My heart dropped, and I'm pretty sure Bakugo's fell as well. I couldn't believe  it, neither could he..

We both rushed to the man, and opened the door so roughly that we all heard a screw escaping from the door.

I spoke as both Bakugo and I grabbed the hands of said man, pulling him inside. He looked battered up, blood stains were covering him, even his hair. He was wobbly, knees weak, and his upper body was unstable.


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