Chapter 3

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The Brown-Eyed Girl And The Reservist

I am Ochaco Uraraka.

I am currently a barista working in a small coffee shop. It has been a dream of mine to make this little business into something much bigger, this is so I can help my parents with money, I want to help them live a comfortable life, and to see them worrying about nothing will honestly be so worth it.

Other than that, I also want to make people smile with the coffee I make. Most people would likely say that there are much bigger things that I could do to make them 'smile'. I know what I'm doing is only a small thing, it's probably not even a big deal to most people, but as some would say, 'the smallest gestures can make a big impact on people's lives'. I believe, and live to that statement.

I was misunderstood very much by almost everyone that I have met.

"You could have been a model."

"You could have been an athlete."

"There are so many bigger things that you can do to help, so why be a barista?"

"You could be a celebrity, or an actress, but instead, you have chosen to be a puny barista."

I don't want to live as a actress, nor do I want to live with paparazzi around me all the time. I don't think I could handle those. I am also not athletic enough to be...Well...An athlete.

The thing is, I just happened to love what I'm currently doing. I just happened to love my job. I prefer a much simpler lifestyle while also keeping up with the thrill of life. I'd rather to do what I love than to live with something I don't want.

Other than my parents and some of my friends, the first person to have ever understood me was Izuku Midoriya. He even lend a hand so he could help me expand this business.

Which reminds me,

"Are you okay, Izuku?" I giggled, then continued with "Ah~ sorry, it's just that you're kind of staring at me-"

"Oh- was I?" he cut off nervously, had he been sleeping well these days?

I placed my fist on his chest and playfully nudged Izuku off a little, making him take a few small steps backwards, I then replied, "It's okay! But you've been staring off into space so much, have you been sleeping enough?"

Sighing, he answered, "I didn't get much sleep last night, but I'm okay!"

I nodded, then grinned from ear-to-ear, "That explains the 'staring into space' shenanigans you got there....Or am I just that beautiful in your eyes?"

The green-haired man looked frozen, he let his mouth agape as he tried to speak.

I later let out a laugh as I went on, "I'm joking! Let's get started, shall we?"

Izuku nodded as he pulled off a small smile, he looks genuinely happy this time around. Happiness is a strange feeling, but it is very calming and warm, and seeing him look so joyful is making my heart pound so rapidly.

He looked at the area behind the counter, and I noticed that he's feeling nervous, I know the experience. The first time I got my hands on the station, I almost fainted because I was so overwhelmed.

"I know the brewing station looks complicated, but trust me, once you get the hang of this place, you'll be brewing as good as me!" I let out a small chuckle after that, he then softened his eyes,

I guess that helped a lot.

The other nodded once again with his hand clutched on his chest, "Teach me your ways"

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