Chapter 22

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The Brown-eyed Girl And His Torment

'Oh no. Oh hell, we can't lose him again.' I thought, feeling the cold breeze running through my hair as both Bakugo and I sprinted to wherever Izuku might be. This is undoubtedly a bad thing, and my gut is agreeing with me this time around. "Bakugo." I said, "Do you want to split up?"

Shaking his head no, he picked his legs up and bolted right past me, "We gotta fuckin' stick together, pink cheeks!" He replied loudly, turning his head to different directions, trying to look for the aforementioned greenette.

Looking through the coffee shop, looking through different convenient stores, looking through random parks, and there are still no signs of him. It's getting really exhausting, I could feel my lungs burning and aching with every part of my body pulsing rapidly. I want to stop, but I have to keep going. We have to keep going.

I don't have much stamina and endurance for running, but I have to ignore that fact for now.

"How fast exactly is Izuku, Bakugo?!" I asked in the name of irritation, gasping through sprints, and roughly breathing between words.

"He can run from his home to the local bridge in about twenty second- Widened eyes got plastered in Bakugo's face, realization must have struck him as he immediately stopped his tracks, frantically searching for something, "The bridge! The bridge! We need to get there now! We're never gon' make it!"

"Yes we can!" I said, trying to feel hopeful, though honestly I felt my soul leaving my body. I started looking around, trying to find a way, then my eyes eventually placed itself om a nearby 'Rent-A-Bike' store. "Bakugo! Can you ride a bike?"

The blonde nodded, and I motioned him to come follow me as we both ran towards the said store. It was quite stressful, but we managed to rent two bikes for the each of us. Both of us hopped into our own, and immediately pedaled away, not even putting the helmets into mind.

It was still extremely exhausting, but one thing is for sure, we are totally faster than we were running.

I slowed my pace down to let Bakugo go past me. As soon as he did, I slowly picked my own speed back up, keeping up with the said man as we tried searching for the greenette.

It hurt, my legs hurt. Both of them are so close to cramping.

But I have to keep going.

We got closer and closer to the aforementioned bridge, and there I saw a hazy man trying to get to the very edge of the bridge.


It can't be.

"Bakugo, Look!" I shouted, my sight getting clearer and clearer as I pointed to the man. "It's Izuku!"

I jumped off the bicycle and ran off. I know it's a much faster process to just pedal away, but my mind was not working as well as I thought it would.

My body just acted on its own.

From the top of my lungs, I yelled out, "Izuku!" while gasping between syllables. I saw the greenette turn his head to me and Bakugo.

I ran more and more until we're both a few feet apart from each other.

Bakugo was speechless. I could tell he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Izuku." I was panting, my lungs were burning, but I kept going anyway, "Please don't."

"You can't tell me what to do." Said the aforementioned greenette with his shaky voice. It was hoarse, he must've been screaming all the way here.

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