Chapter 18

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The Brown-eyed Girl And Colorblindness

It's been a year.

I still haven't processed everything Bakugo said. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't. Looking at the identification tag sitting on my hand, seeing the name of my beloved ingrained on it, staring into the memory of my only greenette, all of it is making me sick.

I miss him.

Without him, I can't.

It's currently sunday. I could only wince at his smiles. I still couldn't believe it. He's not dead.

I somehow found myself to be more drawn into work ever since I heard the news, it's the only way I could escape from him. Well, that's how I thought.

Honestly, everything reminds me of him.

It's now seven in the evening, and I started cleaning the coffee shop. "Deku.", I said the name of my lover in pain. I could feel shivers run through my spine.

Trying to hold my tears back, I raised my head up, only to see a familiar blonde standing infront of the door. I worked my legs as I walked towards it.

I pushed the door out of the way, "Come in." I greeted the man indirectly, letting him in. "I'm closed, but do you want a drink?"

"Do you do decaf?"

I nodded, then went to the coffee station. "Sit wherever." I stated blankly as I proceeded to make the said drink. I feel dull, it's like everything went grey.

Grey. It's as if I'm completely blind in color. But I could still see colors. Physically. They just don't feel as 'colorful' as I remembered.

Silently waiting for the coffee, Bakugo found his place and sat down patiently. Looking at him, I could still feel as though he's really close to crying. Come to think of it, his eyes are completely red.

As soon as I was done, I walked up to the blonde and handed him a cup. He seemed grateful as he took it from my hands. "Can we talk...About Deku?"

I hesitated for a little, I really don't want to think about him. Just thinking about the name makes me feel unease.

But I nodded anyways.

Bakugo started the conversation, saying, "What is Deku like?"

I thought about the times we have together. It hurts, it's really painful. It's almost unbearable.

"I love you so much, Ochaco." The man blurted out with a gravelly tone that sounded very euphonious as he interrupted me in the process, "I don't know what has gotten into me. It suddenly felt like the stars have aligned with one another."

Hearing those words come out of his mouth has sent me flying higher than cloud nine. It's never like him to say those, and I don't know he could actually blurt out things like those.

"I never thought that I'll be able to be this happy. Heck, I didn't even know the true meaning of happiness until I met you." Deku chuckles, then went on with his sing-song voice sounding like he's literally smiling, "Did you, and Jupiter conspire to get me? I think you, and the moon, and neptune got it right..Cuz now I'm shining bright~"

"He's-" I felt my throat closing as I caught the night's moon slowly rising together with its black sky. "He's the greatest man I could've asked for. He's the first one to get this business of mine going. He's the reason why our business is growing. I'm telling you. He's great."

Bakugo looked at me with his eyes widened. Shock. That's what he seems to be in right now. The usual rowdy exterior of his is currently but slowly being shattered, showing a more vulnerable version of him. "What's he like? Was he a good man?"

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