Chapter 5

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The Brown-eyed Girl And Heroism

I opened my eyes and found myself in an alley, sitting with my back against the wall.

Something feels quite heavy.

I looked down and saw a handsome man named Izuku with his head on the crook of my neck, eyes closed and lips forming a small smile, apparently drifted off to a well-deserved slumber.

I felt my cheeks blush in red, ah~ why is this happening to me? Why am I feeling like this? He's just a friend. Yes. Just a friend.

But, oh how he looks so peaceful in his little nap. His chiseled, yet soft face is so endearing. He seems to be calm after everything that happened earlier. He must have been so tired from earlier.

I feel really bad for him. Seeing him go through whatever hell it was made me think of how badly the military affected his well-being.

After all, he was just a child when he joined the special forces. Even as a reservist, he mentioned that he still remained in his base for most of his time until just a few weeks ago. So he was still basically an active duty.

I can't imagine how many battlefields he has went through, I can't imagine just how many times he's seen people die, I can't imagine how much blood he's lost from fighting. I probably would have died early if I were him.

It pains me to see him suffering like this, it's almost as if it's unbearable.

"Ochaco..." A hoarse but familiar voice called my name,

I saw Izuku's eyes slowly open, he lifted his head from his previous position and leaned against the wall, "I'm sorry I slept. What time is it?"

Shaking my head from right to left, I responded with a gentle smile, "Don't worry about it, Izuku! As for the time~ it's past noon right now..."

He started to get up, and said "Ah, we better get going-"

"No, Izuku-" I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, "Rest while you can, please.."


We sat in silence. It's not akward. In fact, I can even say that I could sleep with this atmosphere. It's calming, and I feel contented just having him beside me.

After a few minutes, I heard Izuku speak, "What inspired you to create your small business?"

I sighed in unexplainable happiness, "Ah~ ever since I was a child, I hated seeing my parents struggle with finances, as their jobs were not paying them enough..I had to think of a way to help them atleast a little, even one cent can get you far, you know?" playing with my hair for a moment, I continued, "When I discovered my love for coffee-making, my goal was already set. If I could make my parents live a luxurious life, they wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore, and that would mean that everything that I have worked hard for is more than worth it."

"That's amazing." The other's emerald eyes twinkled, a fascinated look plastered in his face as he said, "I'm sure you'll be able to expand your business in no time...Though, you really are amazing, Ochaco."

my face heated up like a kettle as I replied while stammering, "Is it, Izuku? Am I? Well, my dream is nothing compared to whatever you went through.."

then in an act of curiosity, I asked, "Izuku..If you don't mind, could you tell me what happened back there?"

"Ah.." Izuku started, with his eyes closed, "When I saw the.." he stopped himself to breath in and out, then went on, "When I saw the body, random flashbacks entered my mind, I actually felt like I was being strangled to death by whoever the hell they were. I heard so many voices of my dead comrades, I saw.."

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