Chapter 7

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The Brown-eyed Girl And Her Yellow

I am not someone who knows a lot about love. I haven't been in a relationship ever since, and my knowledge about 'how to get your crush to like you' is very limited. If love is an IQ, my IQ would literally be zero.

You see, I spent most of my life studying and trying to survive school. I did make a lot of friends, one of which I had a crush on, but I really didn't pay much attention to those feelings. It just seemed easy to brush it off, and go about my day without thinking about how good they looked, or how nice they were to me.

It was so simple, but then a plain-but-extraordinary-green-eyed guy entered my life, and he made ignoring those feelings so much harder than it already is. And back then, it was as simple as just writing on a paper.

I can't say I like him as 'that', but how he treats me, and how he acts in general makes my heart fall, and fly to the moon and back. He's a sweet, straightforward, and sometimes annoying guy, but he manages to make me feel like I'm soaring in the air.

'Fondness', 'Affection', 'Desire'. Those three are always in the back of my head whenever he's around.

Do I love him? I wouldn't say it like 'that'..But maybe I do? Although it's only been a month since we became friends, I wouldn't say it's not possible to fall inlove so fast.

I have read from a book that there are actually many types of love. Eight to be exact, but the only ones I remembered are 'Storge', 'Pragma', 'Eros', and 'Ludus'.

'Storge' is a familiar love. It is mostly shown in families, and friends whom you treat as...Well...Family. It is like, No matter how many wrongdoings you have executed in your life, your 'Family' would still be there to help you, and love you. That love is infinite, and it can take down all challenges.

'Eros', it is pretty easy, yet difficult to describe. It is passionate love displayed through physical attraction. It is mostly shown in people who feel lust, or arousal. It can also be shown by simple ways, such as hugging, kissing, or any physical contact. I wouldn't say I feel 'Eros' for him, but the dream I had just a few weeks ago makes me feel like a hypocrite. I'm still not over that.

'Ludus', commonly seen in couples going through the beginning stages of a romantic relationship, and also in some older couples. The endless teasing, playful flirting, and childlike behaviors are mostly being shown in that type of love. I haven't reached that certain stage yet, since I don't have a significant other to begin with, but it is something I wish to experience with him..

And lastly,

'Pragma', a mature love. It is when people in a relationship are actually committed to each other. It is also 'Endured Love' wherein 'Compromising', 'Tolerating', and 'Endruing' comes.

'Pragma', where no matter how many hardships and challenges you face with your partner, or partners, you still choose each other at the end of the day, and I think that is what makes me feel so fuzzy about 'Pragma'. It is when you want to be with them forever no matter what.

I'd like to experience 'Storge', 'Ludus', 'Eros', and 'Pragma' with him..

Does it mean I love him though? No. Do I though?

But that being said, I really don't know anything else about love, how to treat someone in a relationship, how to become a good partner. I know nothing about those.

But there are two friends that I met a few years back that seem so strong no matter how many hardships they experience.

Mina and Kirishima. They are what you can call an ideal 'Relationship'.

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