Chapter 9

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The Green-eyed Man And His Yellow

As someone who has been living under the seemingly never-ending control of the military for a long time, I haven't been exposed to certain things.

I have not experienced a proper school environment, nor a proper social life so I really haven't made friends(but it is also most likely because I have isolated myself from all events voluntarily.).

Because I had little-to-no social life, I was also not exposed to certain feelings.

Feelings of content, happiness, and attraction are things that I have yet to experience until~

Until just three months ago.

And there I saw an angel.

The first time I met her, she was helping me recover from a hard crash with a wall made of bricks. The soft, and gentle tone in her voice made the pain subside for a long time as the feeling of attraction entered my mind.

Attraction. I was already attracted the first time I saw her.

Coincidentally, after that event, I found myself going to a coffee shop, and then I found her once again.

She offered me a free coffee, and while I feel grateful, I was really guilty, and I still am now. After learning that she was actually not financially stable enough before we met, I am now wondering as to why she did that.

Was it an act of 'Welcome back from deplyoment, thank you for your service' kind of thing, or is there something else to that? Something deeper?

Right now, it's none of my worries as I am currently thinking about the feeling that has been growing ever since we met.

The silent pain that feels quite unbearable yet addicting at the same time. Though I don't think it's healthy, I do know that this feeling is normal for human beings.

It's like my heart is squeezing itself, but instead of it damaging, my heart just becomes brighter and brighter, bigger and bigger.

Yes. I found myself being happier with her.

Happiness is something that's always very unusual for me, it was a feeling wherein everything just feels so light. It was strange for me, but over time I did get accustomed to it.

But one thing I could not get used to is....Well....Her.

I don't know what it is with her, but everything she does makes me feel really giddy from the soles of my feet to the tip of my head.

This woman is like a really strong magnet. Once I get attracted to her, I won't be able to let go.

And that is exactly what is happening right now.

I really cannot get myself to let go of her. I just want to hold her close to me until time stops and we drift into nothingness. I just want to wrap my arms around her and never let her slip away from me.

She is the embodiment of 'Home', because ever since my parents died from an incident, I thought I didn't have anyone to go to anymore. I was all alone. I was really jealous of my comrades because they had their kinds of homes while I didn't have a single parent to guide me.

I held no grudges though, I thought nothing wrong of the fact I was lonely. I didn't think that being alone is bad, and I still kind of do.

But 'Being alone' is different from 'Feeling lonely'.

There are people that do well without anyone to guide them, and I thought I was one of them.

But she came into my life, and that's when I realized that my life has been crashing down until she brought it up again.

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