Chapter 12

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This takes place right after the last chapter.

So, this chapter includes sexual intercourse, so please read at your own risk, or move on to the next chapter.

(I literally did a deep dive before writing this chapter just to try and create atleast a decent smut chapter)

See ya there!
The Brown-eyed Girl And Intoxication

Honesty, I never thought I could be more drunk than this. Honestly, I'm just a little tipsy, and this is the most drunk I can get. I don't think I can finish atleast five shots of alcohol, let alone a whole bottle.

"Deku~" I traced my finger on his chest, and down to his abdomen, giggling sheepishly as I leaned sideways, "We're almost home..."

The green-eyed ruffled my hair as he playfully slurred his words, laughing in the process, "Hush, baby...You're going to get it good once we get there."

A few clumsy steps later, we finally arrived at his house. Ah~ I really can't take it anymore. I need him.

As soon as he opened the door, Deku grabbed my waist, and slammed his mouth on mine, kissing me harshly with passion, and eroticism present in it. He groaned and glided his hands from the initial position up to my bosoms, caressing them oh-so gently. The way he's doing it made everything feel so blurry, but honestly, I don't mind.

I moaned in ecstasy as I pulled his hair roughly. I felt a soft, and wet sponge-like thing trying to enter my mouth, so I welcomed it and wrestled his tongue with mine, "Deku~"

While kissing thoroughly, hastily, as if I've been longing for him even before birth, I mindlessly put my other hand on his clothed member, rubbing it with all my might as I let go of the kiss, and with saliva connected to the both of us, the erotic moment had sent us both producing sweat as we both panted in mere exhaustion.

But it wasn't enough for the both of us.

In a skillful move, he then used both of his arms to carry me bridal style to the inside his lovely home. He didn't even bother to close the door.

But neither of us cared about that, and knowing that anyone walking could spot us doing sexual activites has somehow made everything a lot more erotic than it already is.

Deku sat me to a sofa, and leaned forward as he commented with the sexiest voice I have ever heard in my entire life, low, and gravelly, I swear he could kill with that voice of his, "I'll go so rough on you, you won't be able to walk tomorrow."

"If you get my pussy broken for a few days by you fucking me so hard~" I replied, giggling in arousal, then continued, "Then so be it, De-ku.."

He gritted his teeth in anticipation, and proceeded to move his head to my cheek as he slowly ran his smooth lips down to my chin and down to my neck. He then sucked onto my soft skin as I let out a loud sigh of pleasure, almost screaming in his grasp while also bringing my hands to his fluffy hair, gripping it roughly as I responded, "Ah~ Deku, I might cum if you keep doing this~!"

He didn't respond, but instead sucked onto my neck a little harder, which had gotten my body to send vast amounts of heat to my area of intimacy. Deku moved his head from my neck, and down to my chest. His frisky hands unbuttoned my already messed up shirt, and brutally ripped it off, causing some of the buttons to jump out of the clothing and to the floor.

The abundant pleasure I am receiving right now, and the electricity that sent shockwaves to my entire body, all of those are too much to handle. Who am I to know if this is a good thing? As drunk as I feel in this moment right now, I, myself acknowledged that I'm no expert to sex.

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