Chapter 23

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The Green-eyed Man And Recovery

It was slow, but it surely was going steady.

It's been a few days since 'that' happened..

"Izuku!" Ochaco gave a toothy smile as she ran up to me. She then wrapped her arms around my waist, giving me a tight hug, "How's today's session?" she asked, eyes roaming around me as if observing my facial expressions.

I remained blank.

Though the warmth I felt from her hugs is so unreal right now, I could honestly just sleep in her arms. I felt my eyelids dropping, slowly giving to the peace of sleep.

But I have to stay awake.

I eventually snapped myself from falling asleep as I answered, "Humm.. It's alright.."

"It's not alright, and you know it."

"Why didn't you jump?"

"They're going to find you."

I felt unease slowly taking over me.

But I don't care... Ochaco's here for me. Everyone's here for me, even Kacchan. They're going to protect me like she promised.

"You should've jumped."

"Go jump."

I felt my muscles twitching as I tried to compose myself from actually running to the bridge again. I stiffened up my muscles and frowned.

Ochaco must've noticed this as she asked, "Are you okay 'Zuzu? Is it 'them' again?"

I nodded in silence, eyes furrowing while bringing my hand to the back of my neck. I'm still hurting, and I am sorry that she has to stick with me, I am sorry she went with someone like me. She's this angelic girl, who only deserves to be with someone who can make her happy. I'm not worthy to be with her. All I did was make her worry. All I did was bring her pain.

I'm just...

I'm just not worthy...

To be with her...

"Izuku, that's not true."

Oh, was I muttering?

Ochaco lifted her fingers up to the corners of my lips and pushed it upwards as if molding it into a small smile, "Of course I worry about you, that's because I care about you! I love you, and it's normal to worry..." She clicked her tongue while simultaneously brushing her fingertips on my cheek, "I want to help you, I want to see you smile again." Ochaco then leaned closer, and like a flashing light, she planted her lips onto mine, "I did say I wanted to be part of your universe. And as long as you love me too, that's all that matters."

I gritted my teeth, and held myself back from letting tears fall once again. I was just staring at her, in somewhat of a disbelief. I don't know- well, I know she loves me and all, but all of this..

It's just too much of a 'fantasy' for me..

Was it really 'that' bad back then?

"All I do..... Is give you pain."

"Eh~? Who said that?" She retorted, furrowing her eyes as she looked at the burns on my arms, frowning in the process, "You never gave me any pain, Izuku.." She glided her fingertips on my scarred hand, and continued, "I think that.... You're more in pain than anyone else I know.." Then with her signature ear-to-ear smile, her eyes began tearing up, "I'm here because I love you, okay? And I also don't want to leave you hurting, so there's that.."

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