Chapter 20

740 15 2

Mention of Ab*se
Trauma, PTSD
Cursing(It's Bakugo.)

This is a follow-up from the last chapter, so this one's going to be a little shorter than usual.
The Brown-eyed Girl And Exhaustion

My eyes started to form tears, no, I don't want to believe that this broken man is my beloved Deku. I don't want to believe it. He looks too precious to be beaten up like this.

"Deku. No-" I said, scanning for more injuries, and so far, I have confirmed that broken bones are most likely to be none, but his newly made scars are placed on so many parts of his body, and most of them are close to being infected. I gasped in total shock.

Why is he like this?

I brought my hands to the greenette's cheeks, and my heart fell to the ground after seeing the man's incomprehensible face. He looks totally emotionless. He's probably processing everything at the moment.

"Deku, I'm so fucking sorry!" I heard Bakugo cry in despair as he looked at Deku's figure, he then proceeded, stuttering all over the place, "I wasn't there to protect you, I should've been a lot stronger! Fuck, who the hell did this to you?! You've been gone for too long, man! Who the fuck?!"

Deku's knees eventually gave up on him as he dropped down, shaking uncontrollably. His trembling hands made its way to my face. He then spoke with a cracking voice, "Och- Chaco... Ochac- Ochaco.."

I immediately wrapped my arms around him, holding him close to my heart as rage started filling my heart. I sobbed loudly, feeling overwhelmed by his sudden homecoming.

"Kach-... Kacchan.... Kac-"

Kacchan? Who?

"You said it." I turned my head to the blonde, whose eyes wide open in what seems to be shock. He then took the hand of my lover, and kneeled down beside him, staring at Deku, "You- You said my nickname- You said my nickname. No- De- No, No, who did this to you? You didn't look this shitty when you were taking down enemies, who the damn hell did this to you?"

I could feel anger present in Bakugo's voice, but who wouldn't be mad at the situation?

"Gen... Gener...."

'General'. He was trying to say 'General'.

I put my hands on both of his shoulders as I let go of him, I looked at his messed up face. His forehead was covered in dried up blood, and I could tell he had been spitting up or throwing up the red liquid, just because I could see the stains covering his lips and chin.

The previously emotionless man slowly scrunched up his face. I saw tears coming out of his eyes, and I heard him whimpering "Plea- Please, don't take me ba-...Back. Don't take me back, don't take-....Don't take me back. No mo-.... No more pai- pain... Please."

I looked up at Bakugo's horrifying facial expression, "Bakugo.. Let's get him to his house."

Although smaller than the greenette, the blonde found it easy to carry him onto his back... Carefully, of course.

We both safely made it to Deku's home, and as soon as we entered it, I didn't hesitate to find his first aid kit that was lurking behind a tall shelf. I made it to the two men as I started treating Deku's wounds and injuries.

It took both Bakugo and I a few hours to finally finish cleaning him up in the bedroom just because neither one of us have recovered from the shock. I then took his bloody clothes- er- uniform, and threw them somewhere far away from the room itself. I sighed in relief, "He didn't have any broken bones, so it's all good."

I looked into Deku's eyes. It was red and teary. I just couldn't imagine everything he went through while he was gone, I just couldn't.

"Thank you.."

I jerked my head to the side, and saw the greenette with his eyes shifting from me, to Bakugo, and back to me. He reached up to the blonde's free hand, "Kacchan. Kacchan."

Bakugo raises both of his eyebrows, and sank down to his knees. Grabbing the hand of my beloved, he asked with his voice obviously trembling, "The general did this to you, right? Why?"

"I-... I fai-" Deku grunted, trying to raise his body and sit down, so I held his back, and guided him to the sitting position. "I failed.."

I tilted my head in question, and the greenette snapped his head to my direction, resting his back on the wall while doing so. He looks so frail, it's heartbreaking for both Bakugo and I. It's so hard to look at him when he's such in a feeble state.

A few seconds later, I heard Deku loudly mumble words that both the blonde and I couldn't bear to take in, "I-... I failed th-... The miss-... Mission.. The ge... General.. He brought the soldi... soldiers... And they... Locked me in a cell."

"They did it again, didn't they?.."

I looked at Bakugo in disbelief, then back at Deku in confusion, and asked, "What?"

Bakugo sighed, and continued staring into the other as if he's scanning his body, "You see, the general trained Deku to be the super soldier every soldier wants to be. They have never treated Deku as human, as you can see right now. He's conditioned to succeed in every mission he gets in to."

"And what if he fails a mission?"

"Failing or not.." He grimaced, touching the bandages placed on Deku's frame, "He's still going to get hurt no matter what."

No. I can't believe that. I won't believe that.

"You see those scars?" He pointed into the large noticeable lines all around his torso. " He's always good at fighting others without getting injured himself. Those aren't battle scars."

I widened my eyes, stunned by the sudden knowledge. Who's going to believe that? That's just.. Cruel. "So you mean.."

Bakugo nodded, "Yes. He got fuckin' abused, and he's going to get it if he still keeps going." Standing up and sitting down on the bed, he squeezed Izuku's hand tighter, "And I don't think he can still keep up."

He's right. Izuku can't keep going anymore. Looking into him, and his shaking body, I don't think he can be the same person he was before. Bruises from whips, bruises from getting beaten up, and scars from a sharp object or two. All of those are seen in my beloved's body, and I hate it. From Bakugo's story to the evidence right infront of my field of sight, I don't think he'll ever recover from this.

"Please.." I heard the pain in his voice, and his somewhat dull emerald eyes seem to be shaking profusely. "Don't let them take me."

Oh Deku, how were you even able to tolerate them in the first place?

"You escaped, right?" Questioned the blonde to the greenette, making the aforementioned nod weakly. "I figured. I'm sorry.."

Tears forming in his eyes, Deku once again broke down, and the room became intense, "Don't let them get me."

"Don't let them hurt me."


"Don't let them take me."


"Don't leave me."


"Don't go." He pleaded as he let tears fall down. Sadness filled the room, and the grey world around him seemed to become even worse,

Oh Deku, how did you even tolerate them?

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