Chapter 16

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The Green-eyed Man And His Deployment

"That was amazing, Deku." Ochaco said, speaking in between breaths as she dropped herself on my bare chest, she smiled and looked deep into my eyes with satisfaction soaring through both of us, "But don't you dare think that this'll be the last time we do this."

I chuckled, this won't be the last time, right? I mean, I've been through all of it and I haven't died once. Rest assured that I will be alive after this ends once and for all. When I finish, I will never leave Ochaco alone ever again, we will finally settle down, and focus on building the business. Atleast, that's what I think.

Sighing, I turned my head to the side, and looked at the clock, and there I realized that I am only a few minutes away from Bakugo picking me up, and driving me to the Army Headquarters. Ochaco seemed to notice my subtle signs of panicking as she spoke once again, "It's time, huh?"

I nodded, helping Ochaco stand up as I followed right after. I didn't even bother to pick up my clothes as I went to a small closet just a few steps away, and opened it, revealing a wide selection of uniforms, organized from training suits to Night Ops.

I grabbed the standard uniform, and didn't hesitate to put it on. As I was putting it on, I noticed a tightness in my chest area, and arms, 'I buffed up quite a bit, haven't I?', I thought as I took a glance at Ochaco wearing her shirt, and requested, "Can you help me roll up the sleeves?"

She nodded her head, and instantly went up to me right after she finished. Raising my arm up, she immediately took the sleeve, and folded it as perfectly as she can. She took a deep breath in, "I can't believe you're actually going through this."

I shrugged my shoulders, I wanted to say something, but it's stuck in the tip of my tongue, so I shrugged it again a few seconds after.

"Please be careful out there." I heard a small crack in her voice as she sadly smiled, patting my chest, "I mean, I know you can't, because you'll be fighting some bad guys out there, but like-..."

Staring at her chocolate eyes, I could see it glistening as I noticed tears slowly forming in her ducts. This made me want to cry myself, but I can't, because honestly, I already had all my emotions poured out the moment I had my panic attack just yesterday ago. Though I really do feel sad, knowing that I won't be able to see her for the next few weeks, probably months. Or years, if it all goes bad, but I don't want to think about that.

"Please don't die." She whimpers as she gripped onto my uniform, and placed her head against my chest. I put my hands around her body as I squeezed her tightly, hugging her with all my might, "Deku...I still want to see you. Please don't ever die on me."

Soldiers are conditioned to be ready for death, whether if they die today, or in a few years from now. They- no- We are prepared to die any day, and knowing that I'll probably die fighting for my country makes me feel as if I'm a hero on my own, but acknowledging that someone would probably be devastated, I am in fear for some reason.


I deeply inhaled in her sweet vanilla scent, feeling my body calm down. But even so, my mind is totally restless. I asked, "What will you do when I die?"

"If!" She interjected, now sinking down on her knees as she continued clinging onto my chest, I followed her movement as I kneeled down as well, "If you die, I probably won't be able to take it!"

My mind is restless.

My mind is restless.

My mind is restless.

My mind is restless.

My mind is restless.

I can't, my heart is pounding so roughly that it will most likely jump out of my chest anytime soon. It hurts too bad, I can't afford making her suffer. I have to get out alive.

She's so genuine, I feel like I'm about to burst.

"Without you-" Spoke the brunette once again, choking in her tears, I can imagine her just thinking about death, and I know how scary it sounds. "Without you, I can't~!"

My body is restless.

My body is restless.

My body is restless.

My body is restless.

"Don't worry." I said, helping her get up with her two feet as I transferred my weight to my own, standing up straight. I placed both of my hands on her shoulder as I looked at her in sheer determination, "I will never ever leave you."


I can't- no.. I will.

I sighed, "Promise."

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