Chapter 17

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The Brown-eyed Girl And The Letters

So far it's only been a month ever since Deku left for...Whatever it is. Worry has been slowly taking over me, and I can't help but miss the greenette. It took me weeks before I could fully process everything, and honestly, I still haven't been coping up completely.

But one thing came to my doorstep just last week ago, and that one thing instantly made me feel a little 'less' worried.

A letter.

Why don't we just text over the phone? I have never seen Deku with a phone before, I'm guessing he has never had one in the first place, so I could understand why he wrote a letter instead.

Opening up the envelope, I reached for the paper that was sitting inside of it. I grabbed the inked paper, and I read through all of it.

August 17,
To Ochaco Uraraka,

Have you been doing well? Have you been eating well? How's the coffee shop? Is it doing good? I missed you, but I haven't got the opportunity to write a letter until now. Good thing, right?

So, I know you're pretty worried for me, and it's only been a month. I, too, am very worried about you as well. I am worried for your well-being. I am worried that you might get into danger every once and a while, I won't be able to be there to protect you, but I heard from Kirishima that you went into a Gunhead Martial Arts school one time, so that lessened my worries a bit. But still, it's really agonizing to know that I won't be able to see you for God knows how long.

Now I have to report the status. So far, only half of the headquarters have been destroyed, and the opposing force have been hiding in somewhere totally very far away from here, and we have found their location, so it's all good for now. It's a bit of a relief, but we know we have to be careful every once in ten seconds. Make that five seconds. Or two.

My health is in stable condition, not much happened to me yet, so rest assured that I am pretty much okay. I know you're worried about me, so I decided to report on my health as well.

Each and every day, I've been subconsciously muttering your name, and my comrades have noticed it. They would come to me every once in a while only to tell me that I've been repeating a girl's name over and over. They would tease me for it. It's embarrassing, but it is funny to look back at, for me.

Though ever since then, I have made a few friends here, and to say that I'm blessed is an understatement.

Every night, we would tell each other stories, and just enjoy the temporary peace we have. They seem to be great people, so I'm blessed.

I'm guessing you want to know their names, there is first lieutenant Sero Hanta, first lieutenant Jirou Kyoka, captain Ojiro Mashirao, Major Mezou Shoji, and of course, Kirishima.

Sero is a nice guy, he specializes in his knowledge in grappling hooks. He's like Spiderman, you should see how he moves with those things, it's really impressive.

Jirou is someone who I didn't expect to be friends with, honestly. She was pretty intimidating at first sight, but she's actually a softie. We got along very well when I learned that she sings. I think, if you hear her sing some songs, you'd be sent flying to the stars.

And then I realized that she's actually a well-known singer here in Japan. Oh God.

She also specializes in tracking the movements of the opposing force.

Ojiro is kind of like you, he specializes in hand-to-hand combat. Or foot-to-foot combat to be specific. He's a beast when it comes to stuff like that. His kicks can send you literally flying to the other side of a wide room.

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