Chapter 5 : Science Discussion

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I took out my phone and texted Lan Zhan.

"Hey Lan Zhan!"


"Can you bring me to your house so that we can discuss about our project?"

"Okay. Where are you right now?"

"I am the school gates. You coming yet?"

"No but i'm coming in about 30 minutes because Ms Su wanted me to stay back to do my unfinished homework from yesterday."

"What?! You didn't finish your homework yesterday? Then why did you help with my project?"

"The homework was damn boring i find your project better."

"So you are in class now?"


"Okay i will wait for you Lan Zhan try to finish the homework as fast as possible don't let me wait for too long HAHAHAHA!"


And that, i closed my phone and started walking to our classroom.

As i reached the classroom's door, i saw Lan Zhan and Ms Su and also some other students inside the class. Damn i never expected a good model to all students of our class would actually not finish his homework and get called to stay back lol this is his first time!

Why do Lan Zhan look somewhat handsome when focusing though? I thought.

 what is this feeling?

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what is this feeling?

~30minutes later~

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan called.

"Huh where am i?" I asked.

"In my car you somehow fell asleep outside the classroom even Ms Su got startled by you." Lan Zhan said.

"Oh damn..that is..that's embarrassing HAHAHAHAHA" I replied with embarrassment.

Lan Zhan ignored what I said and continue driving.

"Lan Zhannn can you not say two sentences and then went to oof mode againnnnnn???" I whined.


~At Lan Zhan's house~

"So you think we should add this item??..." Xichen asked Jin Guangyao and noticed Lan Zhan turning the doorknob and entering the house.

"Wangji! Your back? Where's A-Xian?" Xichen asked.

"Lan Er Gongzi your back! Where is Wei Gongzi?" Jin Guangyao asked politely with a big smile on his face.

"I'm here! Haha I'm here!" I exclaimed while laughing for no reason.

"Shameless." Lan Zhan said and dragged me into his room.

"Well um lets continue A-Yao! Shall we? Where did we stop?" Xichen said trying to bring back the topic they were talking about.

"Okay Xichen gege!" Jin Guangyao replied with a big smile.

"Lan Zhan where should we start on?" I asked.

"What materials do you want for the item?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Hmm how about..."

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