Chapter 12 : Xiao Xingchen's arrival

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"X-Xiao Xingchen don't come any nearer." I said fearfully.

And Xiao Xingchen came nearer.

"Look,i'm sorry babe for getting you hurt just now,I just thought that if you are hurt then I will be able to get you." Xiao Xingchen said with puppy eyes.

"Don't come any nearer.."

"Don't come any nearer."

"DON'T COME ANY NEARER XIAO XINGCHEN!!!" I yelled and used my leg to kick Xiao Xingchen's face.

"Argh,babe i know that i made you injured..but.. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO CRUEL TO ME!!! But..Since you did that,then,i shall do something more fun with you. Because my baby seems bored. HAHAH...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Xiao Xingchen laughed and took out a pen knife from his pocket.

"W-what are you doing?"


Xiao Xingchen then took the pen knife and cutted on both my arms, 4 lines.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed in pain.

"Xian Xian...Why is your blood so beautiful? Makes me wants to cut more...heh.." Just when Xiao Xingchen is about to stab my arm instead of cutting it,I suddenly fainted.

*no one's POV*

"Aww my Xian Xian fainted...damn your no fun babe. Anyways,i shall just continue with-"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING YOURS?!" Lan Zhan suddenly appeared and interrupted Xiao Xingchen and even sent Xiao Xingchen a flying kick which caused Xiao Xingchen's nose to bleed.

"Ow..Seems like damsel is here." Xiao Xingchen smirked and gave Lan Zhan a sudden punch.

wait isn't he blind? How is he able to know where I was? Lan Zhan thought.

And then Xiao Xingchen pinned Lan Zhan on the ground and took out the pen knife and stabbed Lan Zhan's right arm.

"Argh..Go away you slug." Lan Zhan groaned in pain and forcefully kicked Xiao Xingchen away.

"Wangji! I am here with Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning & Qing!" Xichen worriedly yelled.

"Come on,slowly,Wangji." Xichen said as he lended me his hand.

"Xichen,is Wei Ying okay..?" Lan Zhan worriedly asked.

"Wei Gongzi is fine. He just has a few bruises on his arms due to Xiao Xingchen." Wen Qing said as she pointed at the Xiao Xingchen that is being arrested by the police.

"I'll be back again.." Xiao Xingchen groaned.

"SHUT UP B*TCH! I TELL YOU IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO WEI WUXIAN JUST LIKE ZHUO XUAN AND MOM,I WILL KILL YOU EVEN IF YOU DIED IN JAIL!!!!!" Jiang Cheng yelled at Xiao Xingchen as tears slowly dripped from his eyes.

~ 2 days later ~
*at the hospital*

"Wangji. Jiang Cheng. A-Xian is my best friend of course i care about him too but you both has been sitting here for 2 straight days! You guys should eat something and go home now. Besides, Wangji, you were stabbed,shouldn't you be at home instead?" Xichen worriedly said.

"Fine I'm going home,I don't want A-Jie to worry about Wei Wuxian and then me. I should not add up her burden." Jiang Cheng said. And that,Jiang Cheng went out of Wei Ying's ward and went home.

"Wangji, you should go too." Xichen said.

"No. I'll stay here with Wei Ying until he wakes up." Lan Zhan said.

"Wangji,come on don't be so stubborn right now okay?" Xichen pleaded.

"Fine." Lan Zhan finally agrees to go back home.

please be okay soon idiot.

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