Chapter 21 : sPAIN

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Very quickly, the 2 weeks has already ended and passed. But Mian Mian has been constantly flirting with Lan Zhan and pushing Wei Wuxian away, whenever possible.

Seeing Mian Mian sitting beside Lan Wangji discussing about their job, Wei Ying tried to ignore it but he felt like his blood starts to boil and called the younger one.

"Lan Zhan."

"Yes, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji turned his head to face Wei Wuxian

Mian Mian glared at Wei Wuxian.

"Come." Wei Wuxian said.

"What is it, Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asked with a worried tone.

"Since when do you still care about me?" Wei Wuxian said with a expressionless face.

"What happen? What's wrong? Of course i care about you, your my boyfriend!" Lan Zhan asked with teary eyes as he is not used to Wei Ying's emotionless tone and face because Wei Wuxian has always been a energetic and positive and that's what Lan Zhan liked about him.

"Whatever, go and talk to Mian Mian and ignore me." Wei Wuxian said and slammed the hotel door. Leaving Lan Wangji and Mian Mian alone inside the hotel room.

"Wei Yin-"

Just when Lan Wangji was about to chase Wei Wuxian, he felt a hand holding his arm.

"It's okay Lan Er Gege. Wei Gege is probably just acting out a drama right now to get your attention. You should focus on the work and not these meaningless acts. Lets get back to work shall we?" Mian Mian asked with a small smirk.

"First, Wei Ying is definitely not acting because he was never like that. I've known him since young. He has always been positive even when it was the darkest and hardest period of life. He is the strongest person in this world. And that's what i truly love about him. Second, do not call Wei Ying a attention seeker. Because he is not a attention seeker. He is the most purest person i have ever met in my life, so i will not allow you to insult him so meaninglessly. Third, Wei Ying is more important than all these stupid work. So I am going to chase him no matter how much work i have. So, Mian Mian, as a secretary, you should stay here and do the work for me and wait for your boss and your boss's husband to return. Do you get that?" Lan Wangji replied with a irritated tone.

"And that, I shall go now before it's too late." Lan Wangji said and ran out of the hotel room. Leaving Mian Mian standing, speechless.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan screamed.

"Didn't I told you to leave me alone and go and talk to your new girlfriend?!" Wei Wuxian yelled.

"Wei Ying! Mian Mian and I are nothing! She is just my secretary!" Lan Zhan said, trying not to yell.

"If she is nothing to you, then i dare you to go and fire her RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Wei Wuxian yelled.

"But it would be so awkward. Please, Wei Ying." Lan Wangji pleaded.

"Just admit it already. Your reluctant." Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes and shook Lan Wangji's hand off his arm.

Lan Wangji was just standing there, tearing up.

~ 4 hours later ~

Wei Ying is still not back.. I wonder if he is okay. What if he is in danger? Lan Wangji thought worriedly.

"Lan Er Gege, it's okay, you don't have to worry about Wei Gege. He is fine. He is probably cheating on you outside right now anyways." Mian Mian said,sarcastically.


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