Chapter Five : Bonding Part 2

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Rupert POV

Tsk! Knowing Onii-samas and Onee-sama they'll surely agree without giving it a second thought!

Today was supposed to be me and Ginny Nee-sama Day!

We are now walking towards my Brother Heinry's room to ask him if he wanted to join us. Mom, Dad and Ginny are the only ones who doesn't know I can pronounce my words properly. Mom and Dad doesn't have to know that I'm acting cute for Ginny.

Even Mary Nee-sama tries to hog Ginny! She has her fiancé's! She can go hog them instead!

We already asked the rest of my siblings. We went change our clothes first and now they are staring daggers behind my back cause I'm hugging Ginny's arm. Ha!

~At the Garden~

We went where the tables were and I sat right next to Ginny. Desserts were prepared and I thought of a great idea.

"Yum! Ginwy Nee-samwa this tastes gwood! Here hab a bite!" I offered my fork with cake infront of Ginny.

Ginny opened her mouth and took a bite. My brothers and sister looked at me with disbelief.

"Wow it does tastes good doesn't it. Here have some of this."

Uwaa Onee-sama is feeding me! I'm so lucky today! I mean who wouldn't?! Onee-sama doesn't even realize how gorgeous and cute she is! I'm blessed to have her as my Onee-sama! I love my other siblings too but sorry .

Uwaa Onee-sama is feeding me! I'm so lucky today! I mean who wouldn't?! Onee-sama doesn't even realize how gorgeous and cute she is! I'm blessed to have her as my Onee-sama! I love my other siblings too but sorry

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"Uwaa~ Ginwy Nee-samwa it tastes vewy delicious!"

Ginny smiled at me but then brother Quentin just had to open his mouth.

"If you think that's good then you should try this, Ginny" he then proceeds to feed her.

Now the four of us are having a competition on who can feed Ginny and gets to be fed by her.

Guinevere's POV

I'm soo Happy! In the otome game the siblings never got along with Guinevere. They would look at her and scoff but now they feed me their food! There is a bit of an off feeling we have but everything is so lively!

Mary Nee-sama even fed our brothers cake with a huge smile on her face! Such a splendid day!

After our small sibling bonding moment me and Mary Nee-sama  decided we should have a sleepover in my bedroom.

Nanny Julie prepared plenty of soft cushions and blankets and layed them on the floor since we wanted to sleep there. She was reluctant because noble ladie much less princessess should not sleep on the floor but nothing a good ol puppy eyes couldn't fix!

Me and my sister are now in our nightgowns talking about her two fiancés when we heard a knock on the  door.

I opened the door and saw my brothers standing outside wearing their pajamas and holding pillows.

"C-can we join you?" Heinry asked us trying to be calm but the redness of his ears are not helping him.

I couldn't help but smile brightly at them and let them in. I heard my sister sigh in defeat but when I looked at her she was smiling and my brothers smiling even wider.

The five of us played around a little bit and talked. After an hour we got tired and decided to go to sleep.

"I think we should have a sibling team name" I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea" Mary nee-sama agreed.

"What shouwd we cawl ourselbes then?" Rupert asked.

"I'm not sure.." Heinry thought.

"Aha! How about The Family Heirlooms?! I mean we are the real treasure here!" Quentin said while taking a pose no one other than us would see which was hilarious but heartwarming since he is a prince who acts more refined in front of others but acts aloof in front of his family.

"Team FH?! Hahahahaha I like that!" Mary laughed then we all laughed. Later on I heard snores, I noticed that our hands were intertwined.

Team FH. . . I love it~

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