Chapter Nine: I'm a Rich Bish Now

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"G-Ginny-Chan, i-is t-that" Mother stuttered

"Hai! Mama it is" I smiled brightly at my mother

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"Hai! Mama it is" I smiled brightly at my mother.


Oops, my mother passed out. Well time to look for my father then~

I was skipping along the hallway with both of my familiars. I knock on my father's office.

"Come in"

I open the door and peek inside.

"Ne~ Papa guess what!"

"What ,my sweet angel?"

I opened the door wider to reveal my griffin familiars

I opened the door wider to reveal my griffin familiars

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My father blinked and rubbed his eyes. He opened his drawer and pressed on a magic stone like button.

The rest of my family are inside father's office including mother who just woke up.

The court magician and historian can be heard running through the hallways and abruptly opened the door.

"S- *catches breath* Sire what's *catches breath* the emergency?  O-oh.." The court magician having trouble in breathing from running all the way from the tower suddenly became quiet when he saw the griffins. A look of shock befalls both of them

 A look of shock befalls both of them

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