Chapter Fifty-one: Chaoleadus

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I didn't notice that I fell asleep but I immediately snapped awake when I smelled a God-awful stench. It was the smell of death, not of a living organism but it's the natural smell of black magic.

Very potent black magic that light magic wielders can pick up.  I  got up and it was around 45 minutes past 8 at night. I followed the trail of black magic and it lead me far, I marched a long path and I finally realized that I'm in the enemy's territory.

I crouched down and hid my presence, it's hard since Black Magic is said to be extremely sensitive. 

"How are our plans?" I stared at the man with disbelief, it was the same man from before..the man in the mask. He was the one who killed his subordinate..

"Of course, who do you think I am?" There was another woman, she wore a mask very similar to his. She looked like she was about my mother's age.

"Tonight the Chaoleadus will be greeting that little Emperor. How I can't wait to see Fiona's face twist in sorrow." She moaned despicably. 

'She wants to see the Empress of Graycrest Empire depressed?? Who the fuck is this sick fucker??'

"Celeste-sama, language." Ares scolded.

"We have a child here, Celeste-sama." Hestia added.

But Chaoleadus?..I have never heard of that monster before.

"Chaoleadus, it's a kind of Impurity Celeste-sama. A high-level Impurity monster that cannot step foot of this land except when summoned by a highly ranked black sorcerer." Hades informed me.

"They can only be summoned with a price of a living being sacrifice with a large amount of Dark Magic." he added.

..Living being?


I whipped my head back towards their direction, out of nowhere an adult man was thrown on the floor, he looked like a slave but slavery is abolished in every empire. 

They started chanting words I never heard before, whatever it was, it gave me a ringing migraine. I got distracted..the cloaked beastman pulled out a dagger and slit the man's throat. A magic circle appeared on the bottom of the man.

This..this is an Impurity? I'm shocked, I knew they'd look scary but now I'm more intimidated than scared. It kept dripping dark red nearly black blood from its mouth, it looked at the man that was used as a sacrifice and..ate him.

It had a spear but then, he slowly turned his head and smiled. Gone. where the

(A/n: Just wanted to point out, I have no talent in digital art or whatsoever so yeah, Credits to the artist <3 )

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(A/n: Just wanted to point out, I have no talent in digital art or whatsoever so yeah, Credits to the artist <3 )

-Third Person's POV-

Guinevere quickly summoned out her glaive. The Chaoleadus appeared behind her as their weapons collided together. The impact made Guinevere fling all the way to the base of the Graycrest, her body smashing into one of the buildings. 

The destruction alerted the knights. 

"..It's her scent again, this time it's stronger...she's here." Ymir stood up and headed out. 

"Ah~ Ymir~ Don't leave us with such little context~"  Dimitri said in a sing-song voice, he also went out.

"Psh~ no fair! You guy's got to go out while I stay here healing."  Emrys pouted.

'Beautiful Miss is here too..tsk! so unfair.' 

The Chaoleadus dropped down in the middle of the base, right in front of the building where Guinevere landed. The knights raised their guards, magicians were in defense mode casting protection spells all around. 

"Well well well~ What in heaven's name is that beauty right there~" Abbadon smirked with a brow raised, pointing at the Chaoleadus.

"My guess, the thing that's gonna kill Ymir's father." Forrest pointed out.

"I-Is that who I think it is??" Dimitri squinted his eyes at the figure emerging from the dust. 

Guinevere groggily walked out of the dust fog, it was clear that she was mad as she held onto her glaive. Her clothes were tattered, ripped in different areas but her mask still remained intact. 

"..She's hurt." Lucius glared at the scratches scattered on her body.  The five whipped their heads and carefully looked at Guinevere's figure.

"That ugly piece of shit" Abbadon cursed.

"You ugly piece of shit," Guinevere said at the same time, glaring at the Chaoleadus. She teleported right beside it and swung her glaive making the Chaoleadus smash into a long series of trees.

"Woo~ our darling's cute when she's mad." Rizon smiled.

"Let her fight, unless she gets hurt don't interfere or she'll get mad at us. I'll go to the palace and check on my father." Ymir said and teleported.

One of the head magicians cast a spell to aid Guinevere. The knights fought off the knights from the Grimmpelt Kingdom. What Guinevere didn't calculate was, there were two more Chaoleadus summoned.

"Well, this is just swell!" She yelled annoyed, stomping her feet.

"She's really cute~" Dimitri ogled.

As Guinevere and the Chaoleadus fought she saw a familiar masked group standing, watching her.

"Don't just stand there! Help me!" She scolded them. Guinevere fears that if she uses her power where she isn't even sure it's fully evacuated that she could hurt the citizens. That is why she's been holding herself back and is having a hard time fighting the equally strong Impurity.

The first one to move was Abbadon, the ground beneath the Chaoleadus sank and gripped on its feet, a surge of purple light struck up from his leg. It was poison meanwhile Dimitri lodged a sword through his head while Rizon removed the Chaoleadus feel of space, which means the Chaoleadus thinks it's being crushed.

Lucius approached Guinevere, "Are you alright?"  he asked.

"Yup..thanks for the help." She said with a tight-lipped smile, she was irritated she couldn't fight with the Chaoleadus with how she wanted to.

"Wear this." Forrest created a coat to wrap around her. She let him wrap it around her while she stares at the Chaoleadus with disbelief. 

'It didn't die..

To be Continued . . .

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