Chapter Forty : Going back

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"Well..we do but they live a little far from here. By the edge boundary of Kelstone and the capital." She said.

I swear if this person is the one who poisoned Lady Delinthe, he's gonna get some serious butt whopping for making us go all the way over there and poisoning her. I can't just teleport there cause I'm not knowledgeable about the area. 

We took a twenty minute butt soring wagon ride to the said Estate. It was the Baron Hevron's Estate, a brother to the Countess Delinthe and the Uncle of Lady Delinthe. 

*knock knock*

"Yes? How may I help you?" A butler greeted us by the gate.

 There was two knights that followed us here using their horse so they did the talking while Haxley try to sense for clues.

"Elvira-sama, it is not here." Haxley said. If it's not here then where??

"Why have you come to my estate?" The Baron came out.

"Milord, there has been an incident. Lady Delinthe was poisoned." The butler bowed and reported to his master.

"Ah..must be one of her direct family then." He nodded his head while blowing into a cigar.

"What do you mean by direct family?" Landon asked.

"What else? her brothers and sister." He laughed.

"Elvi-chan, I've got the aura make up." Mirielle handed me the scanned version.

"You guys should go first, we'll stay behind." Landon suggested.

I approached one of the knights and explained the situation. If they knew we were still children I wonder if he would still have trusted us this much. Pfft- *ehem*

I knew where the Delinthe estate was so we could just teleport there. Isadora knocked on the door first and we were greeted by another butler. This butler seemed to already have been informed so he just let us in.

"There is one person here that's my kind. Only half though but their aura still lingers." She narrowed her eyes.

"I can sense it too but they already left. I don't feel their presence here anymore." Haxley sighed.

You know what, my dress is really pissing me off now. I need to change out.

"Excuse me, may I use the powder room?" I asked the butler. He nodded and showed me the way. I removed my clothes and created new ones and wore them. I made sure to secure my mask on. 

I got out and while walking back I felt it. Killing intent. Not directed at me though but at someone else. By the tree out in the far corner he slipped out.

"We got our guy." I smirked.


"Let's go, I saw him." 

Haxley immediately picked up his scent and ran ahead of us. He has the best nose among us, benefits of being a beastman.

"He went west!" He shouted. I saw his silhouette and I stretched out the shadow of my hand to grab his shadow. He was trapped and nowhere else to go. Isadora looked into his eyes and smiled.

"He's half demon alright." 

"H-how did you?!"

"Oh shut up." She knocked him out.

"Heh~ so this is the idiot that made us run around town." I poked his stomach with my foot.

"Ah, he's a noble, I forgot. Oops." 

We contacted the rest that we found the perpetrator after we confirmed that the identity makeup from the poison and his were matched.

The knights came and took him in, it seemed like that there was an inter family war about the chosen heir. Count Delinthe had three mistresses in which he had the half demon one from. He was one of the older ones and didn't agree to Lady Delinthe being the heir.

"T-thank you so much, you saved my life" Lady Delinthe expressed

"It's fine, congratulations." I smiled and she gave me a hug.

I sneaked to where that stupid man was and gave him a good kick in the butt, surely a bad bruise would form but who cares.

"I saw that~" Landon laughed.

"Shh, you'll blow my cover." I smacked his back and shoved him back to where we were supposed to be.

We went back to the cottage and entered our own rooms. We went for solo this time so I'm currently alone in mine. Today is another successful tiring day. A pain in the ass, these idiots really think they'd get away from doing stupid things. Tch.

Brainless Idiots.

Hah~ I need to sleep now..


"Thanksgiving is coming up, we need to go back to our homes again today.." Zed started.

"Are you sure Elvira-chan that you don't want to join any of us again?" Ophelia asked worriedly.

"Positive." I giggled.

"Stay safe ok Elvi-chan!" Isadora yelled.

"Don't try to get yourself in danger." Noel squinted his eyes.

"Or do anything remotely reckless and idiotic like Mirielle." Haxley sighed.

"HEY!" Mirielle elbowed him.

"I'll bring you back your favorite candy" Landon winked.

"See you in the next two weeks Elvira-chan!" Clementine waved.

"Bye!" I waved back as they enter the teleportation circle and dissppeared.

Now..time to go back to Granny Ora and Granpapa Oz~

To be Continued . . .

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