Chapter Sixty-one: A Good Empress

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"Anyways, we are grateful for what you have done. Truly, you are such a blessing, Beautiful Lady Elvira. There would be one more event left for the trauma of the male leads and that would be Abbadon's."

" are talking as if you aren't a male lead?" I questioned, confused.

"...Because I am not. I'm supposed to be Heroine."

"Oh I see..wait, Heroine????"

"Yes, Amelia Rosemarie Bright."

'N-No way

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'N-No way..but Amelia was- Amelia was a girl'

"But..I thought your name was..Emrys?" I pointed.

" Amelia Rosemarie equals Emrys Roseo-Marie." He said carefully so I could understand. 

I mean I could but my brain is just refusing to process the information. 

"I can remember clearly that during the Aptitude Test that they called out Amelia then." It was true, that was why I knew that the heroine was alive and how the kidnapping would have started.

"You are correct that Amelia was supposed to be a woman but I was born instead. There is no Amelia, I just played with the people in charge and wrote my name as it was in the original." He shrugged as if it was nothing and took a bite of the cake.

So, I've been interacting with the people who can and potentially kill me in the future? Nice. Let me jump into a well-

"L-let us just talk about the last event, Abbadon's, right? What can we do to prevent it from happening?" I diverted the attention to a different subject.

"Right, Abbadon's was the hardest as it involves the Duke of the Eastern part of Septhis Empire, Duke Bartholomew Royce Mediean. He was born from the Lover of the Emperor who abandoned him to the Emperor without revealing whoever she was. He was only bestowed with the title, Duke of Mediean but he was not exactly contented with a feeble title. He wanted what his brother had and that was the throne. The nobles weren't even in favor of giving him the title of Duke but the Emperor issued a decree since he is still his son."

"My Empire would have been overthrown by him and the Duke would be the new Emperor but he still chose to make me his heir as he never had a thing for women. He would have executed my whole family in front of me and my father before ultimately killing my father thereafter. He accomplished everything through the use of black magic, which is why it would be hard."

They explained to me that it was due to the fact that it was obvious everything was premeditated. Duke Bartholomew had thought this out very thoroughly and it was for sure it had something to do with the rest of the incidents that occurred during the whole trauma events.

Whoever gave Princess Psyche the love potion would be a very excellent Black Magic user, I've stumbled upon her before and she has the ability to hide her dark mana to the point that it's undetectable.

We need to gather information about the duke's plan of rebellion or else we would need to go through a similar rebellion just like what happened to the Graycrest Empire. It is a much better outcome if we prevent any casualties of any innocent knights since they too have families.

"That is why we made a proposition, Lady Elvira." Rizon spoke up with a smile.

"And that would be?" I asked.

"We invite you to be part of our party."

"Wha- I'm sorry but I'm already in a party as you are aware of?"

"No No No, you must have misunderstood us. Not as an official member, but just join us if you please. It is much better to work as a team, after all, it seems like that is your next destination." He explained.

"Now Hold on-...actually it is. You do have a point there." I nodded my head.

"Excellent, then we shall-" Abbadon was then cut off by the sound of the door slamming.

The door revealed one of Lucius' fathers, my guess is he would be Emperor Damien. He remained his composure but it was obvious that he was in distraught. He excused Lucius and pulled him behind the tree.

But it wasn't far enough that we wouldn't be able to hear what he was trying to say.

" H-Have you seen your mother? "He asked with a slight scoff. His voice is clearly trembling whilst his attempts. I can't help but feel pity for the lad.

" I'm afraid I have not, Lord Father but what I do know is that mother should have left today to go back to Grandfather's estate, and from what I can see, grandfather is in favor of you, Lord Father Devonte, and mother's divorce. "

" Your grandfather...he never really favored me or Devonte. "

" I'm terribly sorry if I come off as rude Father but, I can see why grandfather disliked both of you. Truly father, why do you care soo much about Princess Psyche anyway? If you truly value Mother than her then you should have listened to Mother from the start. "

Everything he said made sense. Though no marriage is perfect, you should have trust on your spouse. The Empress seemed to have done everything in her power to not murder the Empress Dowager, Ahnialate the Princess, and keep her composure. I doubt be a good empress like her, if I were in her shoes I might have straight out called them out.

She was picked on by the Empress dowager from the day she was taken in as their bride. Next, their sister kept sending signals of abnormality in affection. To top the cake is that they never talk to her about major plans for the empire.

He explained that they never wanted the empress to be overwhelmed by the things they have to accomplish in regards to the empire than about Empress Dowager, it was so that they could find the best opportunity to give her the worst punishment. Lastly, with Princess Psyche, it was because regardless of anything they are still blood-related so they want to go through the proceedings justly.

I didn't want to pry any further so I just went on to listen to what Rizon had to explain,

" If you will agree to accompany us to Septhis, the first thing we will have to do is to visit the main town. Most of the valuable and needed goods and materials are being sold in the main town, there is a hidden corrupted area there where the Blue Knights of Septhis are secretly investigating under the supervision of Sir Lewis. We can get in through him." He said.


They all stared at me eagerly, awaiting for me to continue my sentence.

"Alright, I will join you. Please take care of me." I smiled.

To be Continued . . .

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