Chapter Forty-two : Oh My Dumbnelius

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I see my mother running to my direction. The nobles were curious but my Father exuded his Aura out so they were too scared to even look at their direction. 

Mother smacked the door open, tears pouring out of her eyes She stood by the door fidgeting with her fingers.

" *pant* A-are you really Ginny? " She asked me, she couldn't tell since I was wearing a mask.

"..Are you my daughter?" She asked me sternly, her eyes filled with determination.

The rest of them finally caught up and were looking at me with wide eyes.

I removed my mask, I didn't noticed I was crying.. As I removed my mask I couldn't remove the smile from my face. It dropped down to the floor, "Hi Mom, I missed you guys.."

She ran towards me and crushed me in a hug.

"You're here, you are truly right here.." Her voice broke.

"mhm..I'm right here."  I cried.

"Ahhhhh.." Her sobbed loudly. I placed a protection barrier so that we couldn't be disturbed.

Father crouched down beside mother and looked at my face.

" have grown haven't you? My precious daughter.." Father's eyes were misty as he stared at my face. I laughed in a sob.

"You c-came back." Mary Onee-san sat down and cried with a smile on her face.

"You Idiot, I missed you."  Quentin Onii-sama gave me a cheeky grin with his nose red.

Heinry Onii-sama just stared at me in disbelief, his eyes were glassy as his eyes locked to mine. I gave him a nod and a tear fell out. "This is a nice day." He hid his faced as he looked up with his hand covering his eyes and yet I could see the smile on his face

"G-Ginny Onee-chan...I knew you were coming back someday..I held to that hope Onee-chan, I missed you Onee-chan." I heard that Rupert had a front that he always put up but now it was all gone and broken.

He was being himself. He trembled as he walked near me and gave me a hug. We were joined by my other two siblings, we were complete.

But it didn't last long.


"What is this preposterous thing?!" Screeched the Bxtch.

"My Lady, please go back."

"How dare you touch me?! I'll tell you to father and mother!" She talked back. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Ginny, it's not what you-" Mother started but I cut her off.

"I know don't worry." I laughed.

"I can't stay any longer. I still have somewhere else I need to be but please, Mother, Father, Sister and Brothers..take care of yourselves. That mad dog running her mouth over there replaced Brother Heinry's incense with this." I handed brother the incense.

"Don't expose her yet, find out what she wants and her motive but, she intended to trick you into making love to her so, you all please be careful. I promise I'll come back...I love you all." With that I gave them a final squeeze and disappeared.

I spent the rest of the time with the Yvesta's. The next day, I received a notice that they'd all be a day late so I decided to go on my own sightseeing around the town. I walked into all sorts of confectionary shops, I bought some for me and my two familiars who were enjoying my food trip.

I didn't bother to wear a disguise and I let my true self be shown, it's not anyone would recognize me anyway. I got many stares, most of them I'm pretty sure were complimenting stares. It was once again night time so I decided to teleport back to the Yvesta's. Suddenly an image of a room? flashed through my mind. What was that?


I closed my eyes, why was my teleporting magic so bright all of a sudden? I felt the ground on my feet so I opened my eyes.

Oh. My. Dumbnelius. 

Right before my eyes were two of the male species. One was on top of the other, his hands were pinned above him and they were both practically half naked and huffing and sweaty. The one on top seemed to be human but I feel something else as well, he had pink hair while the other was of a Demon race. To add to the spice, they are both Incredibly Good Looking. 

I noticed a different presence and there were five more of them that surrounded me.


Ara? Why am I conveniently holding my phone and taking pictures? 

"Celeste-sama, Snap out of it!" Hestia yelled slightly annoyed. I'm back! I'm back! geeze..

"This is her Kryptonite, I can tell." Ares sighed.

"Pfft- I was about to say, that you should take a picture since it lasts longer but you beat me to it. Beautiful Miss~" That tone..

"Oh shxt.." I exclaimed in a breathy voice.

"I'm out! Ba-bye!" I started glowing again but I felt hands on the back of my neck, he was quick into slamming me into the table, my back facing him, my hands were pinned up and I could feel a hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't slam her that hard, Rizon." One chuckled. I called it! I knew they were Lunatics! I knew it!

Wait..what if they want to kill me? I ain't gonna let myself get killed! Does this world hate the villainess that much as to send me to a death trap and confuse me in the middle of teleporting?

Argh, first I need to get out of this situation.

I twisted my whole body so that I was facing whoever was pinning me down on the table. I did it quick enough so that he didn't expected it, with that being said my legs are now split apart with his on the middle of it accidentally pushing his bottom half near mine whilst his lips grazing my own.

His eyes widen and his body tensed. I couldn't wasted anytime so I wrapped my legs around his torso and threw him backwards. I landed on top of him, summoning my glaive and slamming it right beside his neck.

I took a look at this man and he was actually from the dragon clan.

"Now, if let me leave I won't do anything." I said in a low demanding voice.

"Sweetheart, aren't you out numbered? There's one of you but there's seven of us." The blond man said with a sly grin on his face. It's irritating how handsome he is.

"Let her be Dimitri." The elf from the other day spoke up.

"How were you able to come here?"

To be Continued . . .

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