Chapter Forty-three: Wings

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"How were you able to come here?" The guy with wolf ears asked me.

Lemme see, I was in the middle of teleporting when an image popped in my head and then suddenly I'm here. ...I wouldn't believe anyone if they said that to me so what the heck do I don now?!

" see, teleportation then an image then baam I'm here." I explained messily.


"What??" The vampire dude furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

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"What??" The vampire dude furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

This time they were all staring at me intently, ..No way, I know that look. D-do they think I'm here to kill them? are they dumb or??

"Wait wait wait, just to be clear here. Me coming here was an accident! A C C I D E N T. I don't know why I arrived here when I was trying to teleport somewhere else." I defended as I got up.

"Then how were you able to breakthrough the barrier?" The Demon guy questioned me.

"That-..I'm not sure myself but! please believe me. I really mean no harm." I bowed.

"No need to bow, we're sorry for being to harsh on you." The elf smiled, damn that's a billion dollar smile.

"Um so I'll just skedaddle, arrivederci!" I blurted and waved goodbye.

"Did you just say-" The pink haired eyes widen but before he could finish his sentence I already teleported.

Phew~ that was stressful..

"Celeste-sama, please do be careful next time." Ares sighed.

I just laughed and got back to the Yvesta's. The next day I received a call from all of the guys saying that they couldn't leave anymore. Their parent's are asking them to stop travelling and that they need to start preparing for the Academy.

They were sad, Mirielle and Ophelia were crying that they weren't able to bid a proper good bye to me. I told them that it was fine and that I plan on attending the Academy anyways, just not yet.

I left the Yvesta's soon after and I rode a carriage to the capital of Cyprus Kingdom. 

'I guess I'm on my own from here on huh?' I thought to myself. 

I wonder where should I go to next? *sniff* *sniff*

"Ha...*sniff*" I curled up inside the carriage while stuffing my face in my arms as I cried. It doesn't feel that good being alone..

"Don't worry Celeste-sama! We are here with you!" Hestia comforted me.

"*sniff* Mhm, yes you two are." I smiled through my tears.


I stood infront of the bulletin board, checking which was the earliest wagon ride I could catch to another Empire.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I heard that Draigoch Empire have great delicacies!" Hestia excitedly said.

"Especially in Halster City of Brevod Kingdom!" Ares added.

"Hmm, Draigoch Empire it is then~" I went to the station for the wagon and hopped in. It was a lengthy travel. It was gonna take us a week and two days to get there.

The Wagon stopped at a small village at the outskirts of Elrod Empire. The coachman said we will ride out at 5:00 in the morning tomorrow. I went to look for a cottage to sleep but there weren't any.

"I guess we're camping tonight." I walked into the forest and found the perfect spot by an empty cave. Hestia and Ares went out of my mind space. 

"Hnggahh, Fresh air~" Hestia moaned in delight in which I laughed at.

"I'll make the fire." Ares proposed and lit a fire.I went to the nearby riverbank and gathered some water. I brought some to my mouth to have a drink.

"I just had a thought, you and I are gonna have to make babies someday." Hestia blurted and I the water went out through my nose.


"I agree, but we're too young for now so let's take care of Celeste-sama in the meantime." Ares nodded his head.

"How did you even- NO!.. Landon thought you about that didn't he?!" In which they nodded at. 


"Oh, look at the stars guys." I changed the subject.

We lied down at the grass as we stare off into space. The calming wind lulling us to a sleep. I felt two big fluffy griffins cornered me in the middle and covered me with their wings like a comfortable hug/blanket.

Hestia's head snuggled near at the right side of my head while Ares was on the other. I giggled and whispered, "Goodnight you two, love you guys." 

"I love you too Celeste-sama." Hestia yawned.

"Mhm, me too." Ares softly said and we fell into a sleep.

To be Continued . . .

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