Chapter Twenty Five: Snake

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The scenery changed into a forest. I scoped out the place and there's a high cliff right behind me with large sharp spikes at the bottom. If I fall from here, I'd be dead.

I felt something went out of me. I have a bad feeling about this. I tried lifting a large boulder that I should be able to carry with my strength but nope, I can't, not only are my powers and my glaive are gone but I'm as weak as a toddler!

That's not even the tip of the iceberg. A gigantic snake with multiple heads suddenly appeared before me. Then that's when it hit me, the owner of the voice. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN


"Ah~ you caught me~" I could hear his voice from above.


"Bleh~ You can't make me!"

"I'll tell Astrid" I smirked.

"*gasp* you wouldn't!"

"Oh I would, she always visits every six months"

I'm talking about the water goddess, Astrid, his girlfriend. She is super nice but mess with her she'd beat you up. She also is very sassy and cute.

"Fine! Here, make use of that. You should be able to be able to figure it out." He showed himself and pouted.

He gave me a long rope.

"You better make sure my friends and my familiars are safe!!"

"Of course they are, but...maybe a few scratches?"


The snake pounced at me and I evaded its attack.

"Ughn I have no time for you, you weird snake!"

I tied one end of the rope in a large tree and tied the other to my body. I ran as close to the cliff.

"Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye! You can't catch me ugly snake! Kiss my bottom!"
This is the most childish I have ever been.

The snake got mad and slithered as fast as it could towards me. When it was just 6 feet away I jumped.

The snake was like buzzlightyear when he first tried to fly. Snakey fell to its untimely death. Ow~ that's gonna leave a mark.

I climbed up the rope and was face to face with dumbnelius.

"Hello there, Ginny-chan~"

"Don't hello there me"

"Ehe~ sorry sorry, so the reward is I get to grant you three wishes!"

"What's the catch?"

"No catch."



"Ok then, first I want to know the whole plot of the otome game. Two, I want to have the power to sense and locate the impurities and third let my they're my family, from my first life regain their memories."

"Are you sure? You don't want to think it out more?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok wish granted!"

A surge of information flooded my mind but..WHY ARE THERE NO FACES?! AND WHY DID HE JUST GIVE ME THEIR PET NAMES?!


"What? I did give you back your memories about the plot, its not my fault you suck at remembering"

I glared at Cornelius and he just gave me a stupid smile and shrugged.

He then vanishes and the scenery went back to the cave. I can finally see the end!

When I got out the cave disappears. It was nighttime and the eight of them were sleeping on the ground.

They did have scratches and wounds. I casted a sleeping spell so that they would sleep soundly. I healed all their injuries, if only I had this power in my first life.. but its ok, they're here with me. Healthy and Alive.

They were sleeping with no cushion or mat whatsoever, geez are they really nobles. *sigh*

I made them float and created tents for each of them. I placed them there carefully and chanted a protection spell as well as a spell to clean them up too, they were dirty.

I tried feeling for Hestia and Ares and they're back in my mind space sleeping soundly. I checked if they had any injuries and they had a few scratches. So they also went through it huh? Thank God they're safe.

I made myself one and slept for the night.

To be Continued . . .

Dumbnelius aka Cornelius

Astrid the water goddess

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Astrid the water goddess

Astrid the water goddess

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