Chapter Sixty-seven: Marriage Drama

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"Lucius, where did you get that knife?" I asked him.

"Hm? Oh, I saw it at Harrow Forrest at the town I visited."

"..Do you know who owns that knife?"





"...It's from a subordinate..of Count Ulbem." I blurted.

" would you know?" Dimitri asked me.

"Well it was because, when I said I visited..I was actually also imprisoned by him for a short while so he could investigate what the perpetrator or which that was what he labeled me as. They were quite rough but I did see what that harsh man's knife was since it was soo distinct and I quite liked it." I explained.

Because of what I said, he gave me the knife to keep but also we placed Count Ulbem high in the suspicious people's ranks. To me, he's the most plausible to be one of those cloaked men.

"Harrow said you got that there right? What is there in Harrow Forest?" Rizon questioned.

"Harrow Forest has an abundance of different magical beasts as well as spirits. The chances of you coming out of there alive are extremely low." Abbadon explained.

"Perhaps..those magical beasts are also highly ranked dark attributed beasts?" Forrest asked.

"Yes, they are."

"Wait a minute, the patrol knight that was killed..they were morning knights. Dark Magic Beasts tend to become weaker in the morning. Let's just say that it is Count Ulbem, seeing as he is banned in the Varkorik Kingdom, he's known to the knights. If my guess is right, his magical attribute should be water as water mages can't handle disguise magic well." I raised.

"As he can't handle disguise magic, he would be forced to enter without a good disguise. Killing morning patrol knights are much easier due to the fact that people tend to lower their guards. If Ulbem does indeed need dark magic beasts for something devious like summoning impurities then that would mean that he is a sorcerer." Emrys added.

"Indeed, then that way he really is needed to be there to hunt the beasts as he could be the only one capable of storing them the way he wants it." I said.

"We can find more information about Harrow Forest in the palace. In fact, they might have noticed it already." Abbadon said.

Agreeing to head over to the palace first, we went on our way. Upon entering the main towns, we notice that there were banners and how decorated the town was. We soon found out that the Holy Priest was visiting for the celebration of the Empire's founding.

He was going to bless the Empire with the blessing from God.

The townspeople seemed quite excited so I couldn't help but be happy for them.

When we reached the gates of the palace, Abbadon showed his face and the knights immediately let us in.

"Should we greet his and her majesty?" Ymir tipped his head to the side and asked.

"Of course, we should, it's proper etiquette to." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

He pouted and nodded his head.

I asked them to dust off their clothes as we just got back from teleporting from town to town so it'd be best to spruce us up a little.

I did use my magic to clean us up for extra good measure. Now that we look presentable, we must greet the Sun of this empire.

I took a breath in before opening the large doors that would lead us to the receiving hall.

"Is there something wrong, Elvi?" Lucius asked, concerned.

"'s nothing. I just have a bad feeling in my throat." I said. Something in my gut is telling me not to disturb them at the moment.

Forrest chanted a spell and a wooden bottle filled with water appeared in front of me.

"Why not let us introduce ourselves first? Drink some water." He smile and handed it to me.

I sighed and agreed, taking a step back to take a gulp of water.

We opened the door and as soon as we did, a spectacular scene played in front of us.

"Greetings your-"

"Let's get a divorce. "

I who was drinking water was about to spit it out when Dimitri covered my mouth before I could.

I stared in shock to see the Emperor, bowing to his wife with a face of regret and asking for them to divorce. The Empress was definitely shocked at first but then griped her hands together before responding with an astounding,

"No." She said coldly.

'Damn, he asked for a divorce and got rejected.' I thought.

"..Pardon me?" The Emperor raised his eyebrow.

"You are pardoned." She said while looking away.

"No. Arabella, you know what I mean."

"I don't."



"What? So you want to divorce me. For what purpose, Legion? I have done everything a proper and great Empress would do. No, I was better. Is this because of Violletta? or your illegitimate son you had with her before our marriage. Which one is it, Legion." She pressed.

All the while their bicker, I was pulling these idiots out because oh I don't is rude to listen to other's conversation! But they seemed soo interested with their argument and it is unusual unless it meant it had something to do with the current events that is happening.

"It's not any of those."

"THEN WHAT IS IT THEN?!" She yelled but then her eyes met mine and she was startled.

"My Lord! When did you kids enter?" Her tone changed to a much softer one and she sat back down.

"Abbadon, have I ever taught you to enter without proper knocking?" The Emperor narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh, but I did Father~" He said with a cunning smile.

The Emperor sighed and also sat back down.

"I'm glad to see you back my son. Please excuse your mother an I as we had some things to discuss. Whatever do you need?" He said, genuinely curious.

It might be because Abbadon never asked him for much his entire life. He has told me that he only asked for two things in his life. One was that he got to choose his own bride and the other was if he could join the Phantom Abyss.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but could we visit the Seeing Room? We would want to check a few things there." He continued.

"Oh? for what reason?"

"Personal reasons, Father."

The Emperor then became quite and studied his facial expressions when the Empress spoke up.

"Of course you can, my son. I trust you well that you know what you are doing. After all, you are the only heir of this Empire and I love you. Good day to you all as well." She greeted us with a smile but I took notice on how she emphasized that Abbadon has the only legal right to inherit the throne.

If Abbadon did have an illegitimate brother then I suppose if the high nobles were to hear of this, opinions may vary and split.

We introduced ourselves and left the two alone in the room. The Empress still seemed to have more to say to the Emperor but there was two things we found out from her.

One, Abbadon has an illegitimate older brother and two, the mother of that illegitimate child is likely to be Queen Violletta of the Agarean Empire.

To be Continued . . .

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