Chapter Fifty-Four : Deal

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Lazarus Empire is split into four kingdoms. Hemlock the Fire Kingdom, Petrova the Water Kingdom, Morganthe the Wind Kingdom, lastly Dashklovich the Earth Kingdom. Lazarus is high in elemental aptitudes so they were split based on their elements.

Ok, so she had burgundy red hair. That shade of hair solely belongs to the Marquis line in Hemlock Kingdom. But it doesn't necessarily mean that she is in Hemlock. That noble house has only sons and they have already produced their heirs which are also sons. 

I need to go to the Informations Guild to find more information about their family tree. The Informations guild has two sides, The Legal side, and the Illegal side, you have to know the code to enter the illegal part but lucky for me, the guild's head owes me his life.

I entered the Informations Guild, wearing a cloak but not my mask. I walked up to the receptionist, "What can I do for you, M'lady?" He asked.

"The wind blew east the day I found him on the ground." I smiled. His eyes' widen and he guided me to a different room. In that room, he pulled a hidden lever and the large carpet rose to lead a stairwell going down.

"Erasmus! How is it going?" I greeted him.

"Oye, I never thought you'd visit. What is it yer need?" He chuckled.

"I need information about the Marquis noble house of Hemlock Kingdom that has burgundy red hair." 

"Got it, wait just a sec." He disappeared, after a while, he came back with a stack of files.

"Will this be fine?" He asked.

"Yup, I'll borrow the next door room if you don't mind?" 

"Of course, I don't~"

I left the door open and flopped the files on the table. I flipped through each and I've gotten the information I needed. It was Marquis Croinas noble house, before the current heads, 2 generations before they produced two daughters and one son.

The Eldest Daughter died of an Illness and the Youngest daughter moved to the capital of Lazarus where she married the Duke of Bechamont. She gave birth to two daughters and two sons, the older daughter married the previous Emperor of Lazarus and gave birth to the current twin Emperors and a Daughter.

Emperor Devonte and Damien Lazarus and their sister, Princess Calantha Psyche Lazarus. It doesn't show their profiles. So I'm quite sure that this woman has to be at the Capital since all of them are present there, which is where I am now. There are 3 women in their family that have Burgundy Red Hair. Princess Calantha, then the Duke Bechamont's granddaughter, and their current heir, Lamia Bechamont. Or Count Vinie's daughter, Victoire.

She mentioned a party..if there will be a party in exactly two weeks then it must be there.

"Hey Erasmus, do you know if there will be any party that will be held in two weeks?"

"Hm..Just one, a pretty huge one if you ask me."

"Could you tell me wha-" I stopped when I saw a client, I was going to walk back to the room when I heard him ask for the location of the leader of the nine-tailed fox party,

"Why do you need to know?" Erasmus asked.

"I will offer her a deal. It is very urgent so please help us find her."

"I'm right here." I tapped his shoulder, already wearing my mask.

"You? You are the Leader of the Nine Tailed Fox?" He asked in shock.

"Mhm, now what's the deal you are offering?" 

"Please come with me, I'm just a messenger. I will take you to who truly needs your help."

"And why should I believe you?"

" concerns someone whom you hold dear." I glared at him and followed to where he spoke of. I didn't feel any ill intent but I still kept my guard up.

But why the Imperial Palace? 

"This way.."

He opened a door and revealed the backs of three people. Once they turned around I was shocked as to why they would ask for me.

"Your Imperial Majesties, why is it that you call for me? It would have been easier to contact me through Prince Zed." I asked confused. Zed is an imperial prince even if he is a member of Nine Tailed Fox. 

"That is why we didn't want to contact you since Zed would find out. And if he found out then he won't let us." The Empress, Bellatrix said.

"It's because it's about Zed, someone is targeting him. We haven't found out who but we are still in the process of looking for who they are. They've already sent eleven assassins in the past two months. And we are sure that they will be striking soon since, one of the assassins confessed before dying."

I can feel my eye twitch,

"Calm down Celeste-sama, your aura is leaking out

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"Calm down Celeste-sama, your aura is leaking out." Hades reminded me. I gained that ability from my father and it happens on rare occasions like this,

First Ophelia, then Zed? These fuckers are getting pretty damn ballsy.

"Please attend the Ball as Zed's partner. We know you are trying to hide your identity and we can provide that. It is in two weeks so-"

"Wait, did you say two weeks?" 

"...Yes, in two weeks." 

Sons..they have two sons. She mentioned They so it was plural, there are two Emperors..No, I'm being too hasty but... I can't rule this out.

"Alright, in return. Before your imperial majesties retire at the ball could you please tell me first?" I asked.

"Why?" Emperor Devonte asked.

"Just for safety reasons, your Imperial Majesty." I bowed.

"..Very Well." 

After an hour we finished and I left, this is quite messy. I said I just wanted to rest and yet here I am. *sigh* Trouble just keeps finding me..

 *sigh* Trouble just keeps finding me

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To be Continued . . .

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