Chapter Sixty-two: The Start

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The whole atmosphere was as if I was being held in a chokehold by how tense it was in a negative way. The Empress Dowager stormed the palace, in a fit of rage demanding that her daughter was to be released.

" My dear Psyche! Who did this to your face?! Who dare harm the Imperial Princess' face?! Guards! Find who dare hurt my dear daughter and have them executed!!" The Empress dowager yelled.

All I could do was blink my eyes, I mean if she wants to die by my hands tonight just by harming a strand of Zed's hair then I don't see why not? I can kill her and no one will know it was me. I just want to see this bitch just try.

" You want my son, The Second Prince of this empire to be executed, Empress Dowager? " The Empress glared at her, emitting a strong aura.

'Damn, shit's about to go down and it ain't even the trail yet.'

" So it was your wretched son who did this to my daughter? I knew I never should have let you take my spot, even your children are as worthless as you. " The Empress Dowager barked.

I can feel a string slowly snapping by her choice of words, I'm quite protective of my friends and people whom I hold dear to my heart. Just by insulting them, I will have no hesitation to send you flying across the room. The only thing that is stopping me at the moment is our social status difference.

" Are you insulting my family, Empress Dowager? " Emperor Devonte glared at his own mother.

" Oh my! Are you really defending this family of yours? Your wife is planning on divorcing you and you still want to defend her? Am I even wrong for saying the truth? " She laughed.

" Please escort the Empress Dowager out. " Emperor Damien ordered to the attending guard.

" How dare you try to touch me! I will have you beheaded! " She looked like a squeaking duck.

I looked down and cast a slight spell and so I stepped on her shadow. It made her trip and fall to her face. I stayed still and remained to step onto her shadow, keeping her from standing up since it was the hem of her skirt.

" Ugh! Help me up this instant! " Only then did I remove my foot, to make her look like an idiot that does not know how to get up with two properly functioning feet.

Today was the day for the court hearing trial of Princess Psyche, Lucius' and Zed's aunt. For a quick recap, she plotted for both of her nephew's assassinations and drugged both Emperors aka her brothers to sleep with her.

She was caught in the act and now here she is in all her shameless glory as we witness her trial. Needless to say, if any case she does escape this court hearing by being sent into exile. I have no intention of letting her go. 

I doubt the rest would either so, I would like to kill her then.

So whichever the result of this trial, I could care less since the only outcome I would approve of is her death. Call me cruel but I'm sticking to what I say.

"I-It wasn't me! It was my maid!" She tried weaseling her way out of the situation.

"Then what is this, please explain." Emperor Devonte then showed the footage I gave him beforehand. It helped a lot during the trial and just like how they wanted it to go, she was judged justly.

But at the same time, what paid the price was their marriage to their Empress. Right after the trial, she bowed to the judge and spoke indifferently,

" I would like permission to file a divorce. "

I could just see their hearts breaking through the reflection of their eyes, I'm sure it was pure miscommunication but you reap what you sow. Talking with your partner and understanding one another with trust will always be the foundation that will keep your relationship strong, without it, it will all crumble.

The Judge allowed permission and they will go through official proceedings. The Empress told me that she wanted to go back to her parents' territory or maybe to their fief. As long as it's far away from them. I wished her all the best and hoped that she chose the right decision.

 It has been three days since my first tea party-ish day with all of the princes. It was overwhelming at first but I managed to adjust. They promised to protect me during our future time together on our journey to the Septhis Empire.

It was quite ironic, they didn't go into detail but they mentioned something along the lines that they were also alive during the war in my first life. It was such a cool coincidence, I just thought what fate.

We had plenty of fun as we walked around the town square and spent most of our time together during the past three days. Then it was finally time for us to depart, the Emperor's could not bid us goodbye as they were busy with things but the Empress and Zed was.

" Please do be careful, I hope you all have a safe journey. " She smiled and then went to hug me and her son.

" Thank you for everything, Lady Elvira. " She kissed the top of my head and then she went to kiss her son's cheek.

"How come I can't go." Zed pouted.

"Because you haven't trained for your lessons yet, you brat." Lucius glared at Zed and knuckled him on his head.

"Alright alright, careful Elvi-chan. You are being surrounded by a pack of psychotic wolves- *coughs* Ehem..I said nothing." He held a peace sign to them and when I turned around to see what made him stop, they were just smiling at me.

We were riding our familiars just to travel to Septhis Empire as it would take a large amount of time to get there, all of a sudden the clouds turned gray and the smell of rain made us go into a halt.

"Let's stop for the day." I said as we settled down.

To be Continued . . .

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