Chapter Seventy-two : I Promise

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I just built a new one for them but we wore theirs in case there was actually something special about it. When we walked out, there were other men that were part of the cult guarding the doors.

Now, our job of gathering information has just gotten even harder than before.

. . .

"What do we do???" I asked.

"Hm...should we just waltz in~?" Abbadon smirked.

"Unless you want a one-way ticket to Tartarea, go right ahead," Ymir explained.

"The chances of the guards recognizing us are high, it doesn't change the fact that our voices still sound childish. Not only that but, are still quite short." Forrest told me with a slight frown as if to not hurt my feelings.

"Well, physically I am still thirteen," I said.

"The most beautiful one, if I may add." Lucius still managed to find a way to flirt.

"Tch, be it when you were still Daisuke or now, you still find a way to flirt with Guinevere in the worst places." Dimitri rolled his eyes.

"Guys, focus." Rizon spoke up, glaring at them.

Emrys took a glance and saw that there was something more behind one specific door. It was at the center by the end of the hall. I..didn't want to bring it up but there was something about that door that made me feel uneasy.

"Could it be, that's where their lab is?"  Forrest questioned, his eyes trailing to the door.

"It does emit a pungent scent of magical beasts but..there's something off. There's more to it than just that. I can't quite explain but, it's gravely disgusting." Ymir peeved, covering his nose.

"Not only that, I can hear a noise. It doesn't sound like anything I have encountered before but the weirdest part about it is that it's faint. It's like it's barely even there." Rizon, hesitated with our plan of going into the room.

The Chasm of Void, what is it?? It is said that we could find it if we were to search the Harrow Forest but even then, we couldn't find anything. 

In the meantime, we inspected the bodies to see if there was a pattern, and why were they doing this.

" They're killed by the impurities." Dimitri leered.

" Half-bloods, they aren't quite impurities as they were previously magical beasts. You can tell from the scent. " Abbadon retorted.

"Well, I don't have a sharp nose so I couldn't quite tell." He sulked.

"Is there even any connection to what the head priest was even doing in the Forest and that Chasm thing?" Ymir pointed out.

"Well, why the hell would they even do it in a forest where they could be caught if there really weren't any connection?" Abbadon raised his eyebrow.


I casted a low profile spell that was enough to not trigger any systems if there were any and inspected the magical attributes of the dead bodies.

"It's..Dark Magic." I gaped.

They were all Dark Magic users. So, they would need Dark Magic users but..they're willing to kill them off? Why?? Why kill something you need unless it isn't needed in the first place?

"Hey." A voice spoke from behind us.

We prepared for the worst just then, "What are you assholes doing there? Hurry up before Master comes!" A man who is also in a cloak cursed at us and dragged us out of the chamber to the halls.

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