Chapter Fifty-two: Impurity Core

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Even after a sword was lodged to its head, poison entering its body..alive. Did it regenerate?

"Celeste-sama, they have a core like any other monster but, it's quite hard to find. Each has a different core." Hades said.

Agh! I can just destroy it as a whole but no! This place ain't even fully evacuated! The Knights are scattered everywhere trying to fight the other side, the magicians doing their best holding the other Chaoleadus back and-

Wait..where the heck is the other two Chaoleadus?! 

'Chaoleadus~ Come out you little shitbag~'

"Celeste-sama, mind your words Hades is still young." Hestia reprimanded me.

"Hestia, Ares," I said and the two of them were summoned out of the mind space.

I chanted my best protective barrier on them, "Check if you guys can find the missing Chaoleadus, Go now." I ordered and the two of them quickly flew away.

-Third Person's POV-

"Oh no, I knew this stinky stench could only mean that there's an impurity." Emrys sighed and rolled his eyes.

A White Griffin flew past him and he smiled brightly, "That beautiful miss really must be here then!" 

Emrys teleported to where the rest were and chanted a light magic spell, "Shining Light." He lazily came up with a name of the spell. The Chaoleadus was approaching Guinver from the back which was why he chanted it.

"Hi Beautiful Miss, I missed you~" He greeted her with a kiss on her hand. He thought that her frustrated face was super cute but he was mad that the cause wasn't them making her frustrated but an annoying monster.

Ares flew back to Guinevere,

"It's inside the palace!" Ares reported. Guinevere stared at him shocked before talking to the Phantom Abyss.

"You guy's can handle it here right? Can I trust you guys?" She asked politely but hurriedly.

"Of course, leave it to us, sweetheart." Abbadon winked at her.

"Yes we can, don't worry but please be careful," Forrest said before fighting again.

Guinevere nodded her head and rode Ares' back. Ares flew all the way to the inside of the palace to where the Chaoleadus was. The Emperor and the knights were fighting off one Chaoleadus while Ymir was fighting the other one with the Empress and magicians.

Guinevere suddenly thought, 'If you need this many people to kill a few Chaoleadus..what more if there were other high ones?'


Guinevere winced at the loud screech of the Chaoleadus, she didn't expect one of them to lunge at her so she held it back with her glaive, meanwhile the other attacked the Empress.

Ares helped the Empress by protecting her but in the process, he was flung and the protective barrier broke. The Chaoleadus managed to bite Ares by the leg, injuring him heavily. Guinevere ran to him and held him close while healing him.

"I-It's fine Celeste-sama, I can't die if y-you are still alive." He smiled while vanishing back inside her mind space. It is true that familiars can't die If their masters are still alive but, if they get horribly injured then they will go into forced hibernation.

That was Guinevere's last straw. At first, she thought that she can finally fight something challenging but now she was just mad.

'If I need to find your impurity core, then I just need to destroy your whole body.'

"Sonic Teleportation." She grabbed The Chaoleadus that was fighting the Emperor then the one that was fighting the Empress. Sonic Teleportation, a spell she created herself. A spell that in a blink of an eye you can teleport from one place to another while defying time.

The Chaoleadus didn't have any time to react when they were thrown into the middle of the forest. She came back in less than 2 seconds with five more Chaoleadus.

In the palace, they were all flabbergasted then a freakishly large golden explosion from a far way to the northern part of their Empire's forest can be seen to where they were at. It shook the ground creating an earthquake but all the buildings were protected by a barrier.

The Barrier was cast by the Head Magician just in case and it went to good use. 

The Explosion was too large that it nearly destroyed the whole forest. Then slowly the forest started to grow back its trees. It did not look the same as it was before but it was close enough.

Guinevere didn't manage to get all the Chaoleadus but it was already managed by the Knights and the Phantom Abyss.

'I guess being nearly God level wasn't so bad after all..' she thought while healing her broken leg and arm. The Chaoleadus didn't go out without a fight. Hestia returned and joined Ares inside her mind space and rested.

The sorcerers that summoned the Chaoleadus and the enemy knights all were shocked by the tremendous amount of magic. Guinevere rested at the Forest while the Knights of Graycrest subdue the rebels. It took a couple of hours before everything was resolved but the King of Grimmpelt was found in his throne, dead.

Guinevere didn't bother going back since to her, her job was done. Instead, she lay down in the middle of the forest, staring out in the dark sky. 

'Why am I even here? What's my purpose?' ...she then began to follow the steps to call out to Cornelius.


"Guinevere, my child. What's going on?" He smiled.

"..Explain to me, why am I here? I doubt everything is an accident. Tell me the truth, please." 

"You are right, nothing is an accident. Destiny is what brought you here." He explained.


"Correct, believe it or not, Destiny exists. Not even I can go against it. I already know your destiny you just have to follow it. There is a reason why you had to die so many times. There is a reason why this world needed someone with so much experience. There is a reason why I granted your wish. There is a reason why I and the council favors you. Don't be afraid my child, it will be easier that way."

Then he disappeared.

"What?..did he mean that..this world needs me? WHY THE HECK WOULD THIS WORLD NEED THE VILLAINESS?? STOP WITH SUCH A CRYPTIC EXPLANATION DUMBNELIUS!! IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD ON YOU!" she yelled at the sky and a card dropped down.

I meant everything I said..

P.S: HEY I TRIED OK?! Don't judge..Astrid told me I need to be more "God-like" Psh~

To be Continued . . .

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