Chapter Fifty : Convince

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"Celeste-sama.." Ares started.

"Err, y-yes?"

"..How long will it take for this emperor to STOP PETTING MY FUR!" He yelled inside the mind link.

The Audience with the Draigoch Imperial Family went well, I have stayed over the palace for two days now. Ophelia can't always be with me during those times so I just scoured the capital. Today will be my last day since I plan on going to Graycrest Empire. 

There is currently an inter-empire war going on there but I want to go there to help anyone with causalities. I have about 15 minutes before departure but it seems like the emperor still wants to play around with my griffins.

Ever since he saw Hestia when I saved him, he was eager to pet them. He said it was a lifelong dream of his to pet one. Hestia is loving the attention meanwhile Ares..not so much.

"Celeste-samaaaaa, I can't take this anymoree." He cried as his fur and feathers were being smoothed out.

"I didn't know Ares-san would be so..childish." Hades criticized inside my mind space. He's enjoying the fact I didn't summon him out since he also seems to not enjoy touch. Well, I'm an exception but he just really isn't much of a social cutie.

"Mmm, belly rubs~" Hestia sang.

"Ginny-chan, please promise to take care of yourself." The Empress hugged me.

"Yes yes, I agree. You are very important to our lives now, Ginny-chan. I see you as my daughter." The Emperor laughed and smiled.

"I don't mind having Elvi-chan as my sister." Ophelia gushed.

"*giggle* I promise I will, your imperial highnesses." I bowed and smiled.

"Eh~ that's too formal, do call us mom and dad." The Emperor encouraged. 


"Oh yes! Ginny-chan, you can call me mom!" The Empress' eyes twinkled.


"Ah- Mom, Dad?" When I said that, their faces beamed.

Just in time my carriage arrived.

"FINALLY!!!" Ares cheered.

The Emperor, Empress, and Ophelia gave me a hug before sending me off.

-Third Person POV-

They stayed until they can no longer see Guinevere's carriage. They hurriedly went to the Emperor's office and had a family meeting.

"We must convince that idiotic son of ours to court Ginny-chan!" The Emperor Bantered.

"I Agree! Ginny-chan is so precious and she is such an ideal daughter-in-law. She's smart, kind, skillful, powerful, knowledgeable, and absolutely adorable! She will definitely become a high beauty when she grows older." The Empress boasted.

"Oh, brother definitely has an interest in Elvi-chan" Ophelia said smugly.

"What?!" They both exclaimed.

"Yes! I don't know why but the other day he called me and asked about Elvi-chan. I asked him how did he know about her and he said, he was part of the Phantom Abyss party. He never told me about it but what I know, the two of them have encountered more than once." Ophelia nodded.

"This is a miracle! Rizontie never took an interest in any of the girls we've introduced to him and yet he took the initiative to find out information about Ginny-chan!"

"It looks like the future of  making Ginny-chan our daughter-in-law might not be that far away." 

The three of them laughed evilly like mad scientists, the chancellor that was outside of the door stared at the door with a weird look. 

. . .

-Guinevere's POV-

There are five kingdoms in Graycrest Empire namely; Grimmpelt (Feline), Starbane (Canine), Embergaze (Reptalian), Ashenjaz (Aves) and Noltraoz (Aquatic). 

Grimmpelt raised a rebellion against the imperial family of the Beastman Empire. Grimmpelt is the biggest and the most powerful kingdom in Graycrest, they have a hard time subduing their attacks.

I'm afraid for the life of the father of Haxley and Mirielle. He is the brother of the current Emperor of the Graycrest Empire, Duke Crytale which is why I am more certain to go there. I asked the coachman to stop at the nearest inn.

When he did, I just went and hid then teleported to the front of the Crytale Dukedom. 

"AH!" The knights yelled.

"Good day, may I pass?" I asked.

"Who- ah! Yes of course, milady. I will inform the butler." The knight bowed and went along. I've been here multiple times now so they now who I am.

"Elvira-sama!" Mirielle shouted from her window. I waved at her and then the butler escorted me in. 

"Elvi-chan! I was shocked when I read the message you sent. I was even more surprised when the Emperor of the Draigoch Empire gave you recognition" Haxley marveled and gave me a hug.

"So what brought you here? Wait- don't tell me you're going to head in the war???" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?? You will?! I can't- n-no, but the battlefield is-, just please don't go Elvira-sama. We finally reunited after many lifetimes, please don't be reckless!" Mirielle stated.

"Miri, Hax, you two don't have to stress about it too much. Who was your commander??"

"You.." they pouted.

"Am I capable or not?"

"You are.."

"*sigh* I know that your father was deployed to fight in the war, I promise to make sure he's fine. I just wanted to stop by and greet the two of you now that I'm here you know?"

"..Just, please don't hurt yourself." She asked.

"Yes yes of course~" 

It was a quick visit since after that I teleported to the main capital of Graycrest Empire. As I step foot, it seemed like the Grimmpelt soldiers have barely made it here. The stalls that were once here have been turned into camps.

But what's worse is that there are still citizens that haven't evacuated the area yet and some are still in the middle of evacuating.

"Celeste-sama, hide!" Hades yelled, I ran to one dark corner and hid. I certainly can't just be inside the camp of the military. I didn't expect that they would set camp here. 

"Celeste-sama, let's go to the cave on the east side of the forest. You should be relatively near but not to the point you'd be exposed." Hestia said.

Good point, I teleported to the cave and I have a good view of the surroundings. Since there wasn't anyone fighting as of yet, I lay down and rested.

To be Continued . . .

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