Chapter Fifty-six : Bloody Crazy!

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I've been subjected to multiple people's attention. I tried to keep lowkey but my hair color isn't exactly lowkey. These amazing genes of mine, I can't even curse it since I look like papa..dammit!

I kept close to Zed as much as I could while keeping an eye out. I spotted where Lamia of the Bechamont Duke house and Victoire, daughter of Count Vinie. Their Burgundy red hair sticks out from the crowd.

I need to get close to certain proximity to see if one of them has mole marks on the lower lip and neck. 

I haven't seen Imperial Princess Calantha though but I'll just wait for it later. I mean, why would you lust for your own flesh and blood? What's more, your married brothers.

"But didn't that woman back at the cave called her a disgusting bitch? Doesn't she fit in the criteria then?" Hades deadpanned.

"Hades!" Hestia reprimanded.

"No but it's true if you think about it, he has a point." Ares supported the idea.

Of course, even I have my suspicions. One, why would the men she's targeting be easily tricked if it weren't for that they knew her beforehand or even is close to her. Vampires are one of the strongest races, even more than Beastmen so it would be particularly harder to defeat a male Vampire. More so a Noble Vampire.

 Lamia just so happened to move towards my direction so I managed to catch a glimpse and she doesn't have any moles. Not a mole anywhere in her face or neck.

So Lamia Bechamont is crossed out of the list. Only two left, Calantha and Victoire.

"Elvi-chan." I glanced at Zed and he offered his hand.


"Oh yeah, I forgot you haven't been to one *ehem* Dance?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you remember back in our first lives, I used to stomp on your feet till it bruised?" I smiled at him.


"Do you want me to do it again?"


"Thought so." 

I suddenly felt a bump on my back, I looked behind me and it was Lady Victoire. She had a big necklace by her neck preventing me from seeing if there was any mole but there's one thing for certain, she has a mole in her lower lip.

She was fidgety and antsy, almost as if she can't stay still in one position. I  kept my eye on her and just for safety measures, I chanted a spell and Shadow guardians crept around the palace. 

She was gripping something in her that what I think it is?

"Zed, I'm just going to powder my face real quick."

"Sure, I'll just go look for my parents. My rachet aunt arrived here a while ago to visit so I guess I need to greet her royal shitness." I separated from him and followed Lady Victoire to the back.

She was rushing sneakily out to the hall, still gripping into something in her hands. I followed her to the end where she met up with a man. She passed him the bottle and he..drank it?

"Well? isn't it amazing?" She's..high.

"You are right, this is indeed amazing."

"What are you doing?" I emerged from the shadows and crossed my arms at them.

"Ah- this- this is-" They stuttered. I chanted a spell to revert the effects of the drug and moved the necklace on her neck slightly irritatingly.

..No mole.



Fudge..That aunt..Princess Calantha.. SHE'S THE MOTHER FUCKER!

I stormed to the ballroom but then the lights went out. I could hear new footsteps, swift ones. Not today you shitbags.

"Lumination!" I yelled out and a star-like light shot up to the air, above me, lighting up the whole ballroom.

I could easily spot the Assasins now but where the heck is Zed?!

"KNIGHTS! THE ASSASSINS ARE OVER HERE!" I shot each of those who I saw a neon light, making them visible no matter how much they tried to hide. At the same time, it's leeching off their energy.

My Shadow guardians acted up, there was something wrong with the room where The Emperor and Empress slept at.

"Hestia, go check it out. If it's Princess Calantha, do what you want but don't kill her." 


"Hey Hades, so you want to do your first task?"

"Really?! Of course!" He said happily.

"Ok then, track Zed." 

He flew out of my mind space, shocking the people around us, and flew off.

"I'll just rest here.." Ares lay down and rested.

Hades signaled me and I rushed to where he was, like my thoughts, it is definitely not easy to kill Zed. There were five dead bodies lying near him while he wiped the blood from his face.

"Oh Elvi-chan~ Look what I did!" He said happily, yeah he's always been on the crazy side.

"That's wonderful Zed, do you want to come with me to your parents' room?" 


"Well, I already sent Hestia there but there seems to be something suspicious happening." He nodded his head and we teleported to the front of his parents' room.

When I opened the door, Hestia already had Princess Calantha pinned on the floor by her neck while the Emperors were out of their minds.

"H-Honey, it's me.." The Empress tried to say but they kept on denying her and moaning Princess Calatha's name. 

"Ayayaya, I should have known.." I shook my head. Zed had a horrifying expression on his face, if it weren't for the fact I know this kid since he was a toddler, I would have been scared. He grabbed Princess Calantha's face and smashed it on the floor.

O Well, she had it coming.

"Here is the potion, now let me go back to sleep..." Ares lazily handed me the potion inside my mind space. I draped a blanket over him and went back out.

You see, I still have the recipe book of the potions that BITCH dark wizard wrote, and in that booklet had the cure for it. I prepared it just in case something like this would happen. Let me tell you, I'm glad I did since it took me nearly two days to finish it.

The Empress was pissed, instead of breaking down to tears she was grabbing both of their collars and telling them to pipe it down. She told her husbands that were drugged, to pipe it down...Queen~ well, Empress in this matter.

"I can't kill her just yet..I need to wait for a proper court trial...Oh if only I didn't have these stupid Royal orders to follow." The Empress released her frustration. I approached her and handed her the potion vial.


"It's the cure, Imperial Empress." I smiled. Her eyes widen and she turned around and forcefully jammed her husbands' mouths open and shoved the vial down their throats.

"That's what you get you idiots! I told you your sister is bloody crazy!" She bonked them both in the head.

To be Continued . . .

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