Chapter Thirty-seven : Beautiful Miss

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"Elvira-chan!" Haxley called out.

"We found the location of the captives! The sensor spell suddenly dispersed when a caravan passed by so we followed it. Turns out there were noble's children's and heirs inside." Ophelia added.

"We're about to bust it in here!" Mirielle yelled excitedly.

"Miri-chan, let's plan out first okay?" Noel said.

"Psh~ fineee" 

"Where are you guy's right now?" I asked.

"Oh yeah um..We are deep in the forest, northeastern part pass the river. It's hard for us but it will be really easy for you to detect the place Elvi-chan since they used magic to make a false illusion pathway that wouldn't lead to their base." Landon said.

"Got it, I'll be there in five minutes" I broke out of the mind link and teleported near the forest.

They said that they're in the deep part pass the river so I think I know where that is. I teleported again but I wasn't there yet though I now get what they meant. The strong feeling of black magic hit me. 

Black's illegal in every empire to use black magic since it's not something you're born with. You have to physically make your body go to extreme lengths to curse yourself with Forbidden spells just so that you could conjure black magic. 

This is weak Black Magic but if they had Excellent Level Black Magic, they would be a step closer to the requirement of opening the portal of the impurities.

I went closer to the illusion and I noticed that it was made with a binding spell. Means that whoever made this, can trap anyone that comes in. But they also can find out who enters the territory.


"Isadora! Where are you guys?! The conjurer of the illusion knows you entered their territory! Hello? Anyone?!" I screamed through the mind link.

"..." No response.

"*inhale* *exhale*  Hestia, Ares go to them." I ordered.

"How about you Celeste-sama? You're our master!" Hestia worried.

"It's alright, trust me." I patted her head. She hesitated but nodded her head.

"Please stay safe Celeste-sama, please..." Ares said.

"Of course, geez both of you worry too much." I bopped their noses then they disappeared.

Now let's examine this whole shxt show.

"Perfect Total Inspection" A large magic circle hovered above for a second then disappeared.

The results appeared before me as I check everything. So this building has 5 floors. The third floor to ground floor then two floors going underground. There's a large amount of people at the underground. Must where the captives are.

Hestia and Ares are fine and it seems that they're with the rest. If that's the case then there's some sort of blocking magic in here.

Fufu~ It's fine, I have my glaive anyways.

Since they're at the higher floors, might as well go to the lower ground floors.

I teleported myself right at boundary of the underground floors, to enter it I have to break the barrier. Which is pretty easy I mean, they're weak   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ok, I'll try not to be harsh. They're not weak..I'm just strong hehehehe~

I tried using my magic and as expected I couldn't use it. So I went with my other option, I took out my glaive and slashed it. The barrier shattered and when I entered there were men that got alerted of my presence. 

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