Chapter Fifty-three: Love Potion

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"Husbands, we must find the leader of the Nine Fox Tail. Have you heard the news? She was the one who help stop the rebellion in Graycrest. She could help us with our problem, after all, she is also our son's close confidant."

"We must not tell Vlad about the assassins. He can never handle his emotions when it comes to his brother." 

" I'll send Bard to the Guild to look for her and offer her a deal. For the time being, we shall prepare for the worst." 




"There you go Hades! Nice Catch!" I cheered on as he caught the fish with his mouth, he's getting better every day. I feel like a mother seeing her child take their first step. I'm soo Proud~~

I have lost count on how much money I have in the bank but here I am in the middle of the forest hunting for fish with my familiars

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I have lost count on how much money I have in the bank but here I am in the middle of the forest hunting for fish with my familiars. I tracked where the Black Magicians went but all there was left were corpses. 

Guinevere with the money in her bank account:

They probably self-destruct or something but they dead

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They probably self-destruct or something but they dead...not my problem~


"D-Did that fish just slap me?" Hestia's eye twitched,

"Hestia, call down. It's not that ba-" Ares tried to reason. I hid behind a log and took a bite of my roasted fish.


"What a glorious day today is, is it not?" I smiled.

..."Alright, now where to? We have ventured Graycrest and they are still patching things up from the war. Who knows why the King of Grimmpelt committed suicide, my guess is he was just a pawn but for now, I just want to rest. There are adults for a reason, let me, an adult in a child's body, but still technically still a child at heart, enjoy her youth." I flipped my hair.

"We shall go to the place where the food is amazing!" Hestia cheered.

"Agreed!" I said.

"You guys decide, I still need my beauty sleep and recuperate my powers." Ares went to get tucked in bed.

I'm currently at Starbane Kingdom. I walked around its capital while thinking about where to go next. 


I bumped into a cloaked person, "Oh, Sorry about tha-" It was a woman and she clicked her tongue at me, mumbled some insulting words, and quickly rushed away. I looked down and saw that she dropped something.

It was a booklet, a worn one at that. Even if I think that she's  bitch, I suppose I should still give her back this. I followed the way she went at the slowest pace I could go since I want her to figure out that she lost it.

Just a little panic face would be good enough of a payback for me~

'..Woah she just keeps on going..where the heck are we?' I looked around and this place, I have never been to. It is oddly isolated and barely any beastmen here..

She took a right and if we proceed, we will enter the  Bacialle Shallow Forest. This Forest should be off-limits but I never knew that there was a hidden way odd, what the heck is this woman up to??

I lifted up the booklet and there were initials written, ILE. I flipped through the booklet and this is full of recipes. Recipes for forbidden potions and the Love Potion had a bookmark in it. Alright, this bitch has gotta be cuckoo.

I finally chanted a stealth spell so that I could follow her nearer, she then activated a spell near the tall rock wall. She then just entered without a problem. I might trigger it so I had to break the seal. It was no easy job since I almost lost her.

Man, it's good to be twenty levels before the Godly rank. I made that up myself but it was all due to hard labor.

She pulled out a mask, the same mask as that dodgy killer one back at the Brothel! She slit her hand and let the blood drip down. 


"Lovely Illy, How have you been?" There was another woman with the same mask on the other side. Her blood created some sort of communication screen. 

"Irritating, it seemed that the plan didn't work. I had to sacrifice eight! Eight fucking Dark Mages for this crap and it still didn't work! Why can't that stupid two-faced bitch just die! I should have poisoned Almira when I have gotten the chance but NO! If only that holy ass piece of shit just let me do it then I would have!" She expressed her anger.

Almira? ...That's the name of the Empress of Graycrest. Is she..the one behind that fluffing ordeal?! This daughter of a bitch!

"Calm down, Illy. By the way, I just tried that Love Potion you made me on some commoner and it worked perfectly! I can't wait to test it out on them. Ah~ I can already imagine their hands on me." She moaned.

"You are one disgusting bitch, you know that?" Illy scorned.

"Fufu~ I know, well I'll be using it in two weeks when they drop their guard at the party. I'll drop it on their drinks and they'll never know. I can't wait to see their wife's reaction when I'm in their bed. I don't need anyone hindering our relationship so those two sons of theirs are better off dead. She'll lose her husbands and her son, I'll take care of her other child soon enough. HAHAHAHA Haaaa..Glorious. Thank you, Illy. Unlike you, I'll succeed." She smirked and then vanished.

"Tsk, that slutty bitch didn't even let me report the situation." She removed her mask and scrunched it on her hand.

I got a full view of her face now, I swear I've seen her at a party so she must be a noble. The other lady has two distinct moles, one on her lower lip and another on her neck. She has fangs so she must be a vampire.

"Well, At least now I've figured out where we will go next," I smirked.




"She arrived in Lazarus?? Perfect. Bard, go to the Information's Guild." 

To be Continued . . .

 A/n: I'll do some shameless self-promoting here.

Goal: A Normal Life is an omegaverse book that I newly made. Perhaps now I haven't written any spicy scenes (I actually have already, the chapter ain't about our MC but someone else -smirks- *ehem* *male leads* *ehem* *BL* *ehem*) but it is a big part of the plot. It is also a poly novel where she gets into an accident but does not die.

She goes into the border of the living and the dead and meets the horrible woman from a shitty Boy's Love novel she read. The horrible woman isn't horrible yet since she met her when she was still 16 and not the adult woman in the novel.

When they were about to go back to the living, the horrible woman tricked her into having MC enter her body instead and that's how she ended up in the world where there are omegas, alphas, and betas.

MC is a headstrong, straightforward woman that is witty and a little bit of a bitch. ( I lied, she is a big bitch, a bad bitch.)

The Male Leads here are Bi-sexual so if you don't like that then it's fine if you don't read it. Also unlike Maro the asshole, the omega Caius is a love interest as well. There are a total of seven love interests. The Male Leads (excluding Caius since he was already attracted to her) did not like MC at first. That is all, happy reading!

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