4 - Rat Extermination [FINAL]

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It was a somber day. The Great Wall event, which took place a month ago, had left the entire country in a state of concern. The President, Luna Lo Csia, and other significant figures had gathered in a secretive bright and state-of-the-art conference room to discuss the aftermath of the event and other related matters.

Acting-Commander In Chief Jose Raulio Batangbato was visibly distressed as he addressed the President. "I'm sorry, Ms. President. Our men were not expecting the family to be disguised as a big turtle."

The President waved her hand in a calming gesture and pushed a holographic picture on the holographic air-touch multi-disciplinary circular table, also known as the AloCi table, towards the Acting-Commander. "Don't apologize. What's important now is finding a solution to this problem."

The Acting-Commander nodded, tears still streaming down his face. "Yes, Ms. President."

The President examined the ultra-pixelated image shot by an EAFT pilot and turned to the Tripartite Generals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Chief of the Department of National Defense (DND), Lily. 

"How is the installation of the Multilaser Beam Circumferential Defense System on the Great Wall progressing?"

"It's currently 85% completed, Ms. President," replied AFP Navy Tripartite General Dugong. "However, we're experiencing some delays due to material transportation and a lack of necessary resources."

"Hmm... I see," the President nodded thoughtfully. "If there are shortages, we'll find the necessary resources within the region to mass-produce it. We'll also need more RPC absorption devices and quantum propulsion to launch towards the system's star."

Considering the current situations, a thought occurred to her after she thought about the sun: perhaps sending multiple solar collectors into orbit around this system's star would be a viable resource collector. However, she quickly realized that the national grid was already at the highest surplus of energy and such a move would not be necessary at this time. Just then, she was interrupted by a charming voice that caught her attention.

DND Chief Lily interjected, "I'm worried we'll run out of radioactive photonic chemicals for the laser beams soon, Ms. President."

The President nodded. "We'll find a solution to that as well. In the meantime, Philsecta Top-Head Anna Montes, how are the weeds faring?"

Anna smiled. "We're slicing them all the time, Ms. President. Your orders have already been completed cleanly and perfectly executed."

"Good work, Anna," the President praised. "I'm authorizing you to use Ninja fly bots version 7.0 on some issues we addressed two days ago. Keep an eye on the Archbishop around the clock."

Anna's eyes lit up. "Thank you, Ms. President! It'll be a great help."

DND Chief Lily scowled at Anna, jealous of the attention her superior was giving her. The President noticed the tension between the two and let out a sigh.

An older man with tanned skin and a youthful appearance approached Luna, wearing a military uniform. As he moved closer to her, he seemed to be trespassing on her personal space, causing the other members of the group to scowl and grow angry.

"Miss President," Secretary Ferguson said, bowing and smiling at Luna. He stepped back to give her more space. "I am deeply grateful for your QUAD-L invitation. As the Secretary of the DFA, I am always willing to follow your direction."

Luna replied coolly, "Thank you for coming, Secretary Ferguson. I appreciate your prompt response to my invitation."


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