16 - Luna's Twisted Death [FINAL]

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The time had come for Xlyma to graduate as an agent of PhilSecta. Later that night, she was summoned by her eminence, the President of the Federal States of the Philippines.

As Xlyma stepped into the office, she saluted flawlessly in her light-blue formal military uniform, her hair styled in a cup, giving her the appearance of a respectable government servant despite being only a fourth-year high school student.

President Luna walked in front of Xlyma and returned the salute. "Xlyma El Lacrita, I hereby declare you Agent 33-1S of the PhilSecta Secret Service Organization," the President said.

Luna retrieved a white box gift from her table, emblazoned with the PhilSecta logo, and pushed it towards Xlyma. Xlyma courteously accepted the gift with great honor. "I, Agent 33-1S Xlyma, speak with great honor and gratitude as I pledge to serve you and the Federal States of the Philippines to the best of my abilities," Xlyma replied with a big smile on her face.

"Let's drink some black coffee, shall we?" Luna suggested.

"Yes, Ms. President. Thank you for the patronage," Xlyma replied.

As they sipped their coffee, Xlyma's expression turned serious and she asked Luna, "Ms. President, if you don't mind me asking... After witnessing everything about the Philippines and how unfathomably capable you are as ruler of such a marvelous country and its kind, friendly people... I can't understand why you, an empress, wouldn't conquer all or nearby countries if you wanted to. You've said in the press that you can't, but why?"


In the present time, Professor Luna remembered that moment. It was unreasonable for her not to dream of higher steps, considering everything she had done for the country.

Xlyma and Sherhimia had said that everyone would want to be the king of the world if they could. However, political turmoil and crime were the norm in most countries, such as the Heather Kingdom and the Alkatross Kingdom.

Filipino people are religious, peace-loving, and friendly. Declaring war would mean that human sacrifices are unavoidable, which is sad and dreadful for the families of the fallen.

That is another reason why President Luna has not yet established foreign relations. The priority is to understand the country's political and civil stability. The other party may be thinking only of personal gain, rather than national benefit.

Besides, for the sake of opportunity, most nobles would agree to invade a magicless nation and seize its wealth. The Philippines is a valuable target for invasion, as it is technologically advanced and a resourceful nation.

The next step is to understand the people, their beliefs, and their culture. It is important to understand differences as well - a devout country is unlikely to befriend another devout country with a different religion.

There are other conditions that need to be considered as well.

Establishing foreign relations involves analyzing the other party's nature, motives, and benefits, in order to reach mutual endeavors for both sides.

The Philippines has privileges and national secrets to protect, which are likely to be sought after by the other party in future bilateral talks.

The DFA is still learning the world language with the help of a dictionary generated by Kiki and bilingual Mrs. Sherhimia, who easily learned Tagalog within a few months.

The two nearest countries to the Philippines, the Heather Kingdom (2000 km to the west) and the Alkatross Kingdom (2200 km to the northwest), are currently unnegotiable.

The King of the Heather Kingdom is nothing more than an emotionless tyrant, allowing corrupt nobles and officials to run amok while the commoners struggle to survive and pay unreasonable taxes. The country has great military and magical prowess, able to compete against the countries in the Waham subcontinent to the north and the Iclylic Confederation to the south.

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