21 - The First Demon Encountered [FINAL]

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Warning: This chapter contains graphic descriptions and themes that may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


Meanwhile, five hundred kilometers far from the Mariana port town, in the underground of the Helgium Capital...


A man rolled on the floor as he spewed a large volume of blood from his mouth. But it wasn't just coming from his mouth - blood was also pouring from the area where his left arm had been disfigured.

Furthermore, he had a large hole in his abdomen and skin splits which covered his whole body in blood.

Monmon looked down at him with cold eyes.

"Left eyeball ruptured, flesh gouged from abdomen to chest, left arm lost completely. In addition to the complex bone fractures throughout the whole body, the damage to your body is too severe. There's no other choice."

He took out a giant gem from his chest pocket, its color a blood crimson.

"The incident this time should be a good lesson for you. I can't have you dying on me, after all. My twin brother Manman, allow me to save you,"

Monmon said, pushing the gem into the missing section of his abdomen. Immediately, the gem melted away with an oozing sound, being absorbed by his abdomen.

"Grah! F-****! After I... I break... Her neck and killed her... How could she... inflicted... me a... body altering curse! Even... that ... ******** teleporting girl!"

Despite his face distorted with pain, Manman insisted stubbornly.

"...You'd have regained the strength to speak as soon as the healing process began. However, I doubt the result would have been any different even if you had your left arm. Give up. There is no way for you to win against them or should I say you're hopeless,"

Monmon stated firmly, his face extremely exasperated.

"Wait.. argh.. do you mean... she's alive?!... after what I did to that?!..."

Humiliation and rage mixed in their expression.

"But I have things to reflect upon myself this time. It seems I underestimated her abilities a little too much. Honestly, I'm at a loss for what to do even though all my people in the guild are chunks of meat right now just like what happened to you. How did she do this dirty, annoying trick within that huge range? Tsk, a magicless wielding terrifying sorcery?...

We can only accept our defeat quietly this time. In the future, we'll have to put a hold on facing her alone. It would be best to avoid interfering," Monmon said.

"W-What?!" Manman's expression was completely against it.

However, Monmon didn't lend an ear to his complaints.

"I won't let you object. You were the weak one this time, after all."

"Wait... you... your skin! Your skin is scraping off Monmon!... arghh... my legs... why is my body disintegrating?!... Arrrrrrrgghhhh!!!"

After a few moments of painful screams, his twin brother's eyes bulged out from his skull and his tongue melted from numerous mouth ulcers.

It was a terrible sight, altering someone's body anatomy to the extremity. Therefore, the underground guild's last day had finally come.

"No way... is this an infectious disease?!"

Monmon screamed differently from what he was supposed to be.

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