Chapter 39- A Princess In Grief

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AN: Iclylic and Philippines focus is done, so we are going to the two nations in the western seas.

In the season of late autumn, Xylma left for the Heather Kingdom through her mastered teleportation where she can now teleport from the Philippines to Heather and vice-versa.

Although she was a powerful sorcerer, she possessed only a backpack and necessities on it like healthy canned foods and a miniature gas stove.

Xylma felt delighted when returning here and complete the orders given to her within three days of scouting, sending a report, and finally going to her missed real parents.

She traversed through the vast fields within the northern outskirts of the Helgium Royal capital alone while in disguise all because she come upon a wanted poster resembling her face.

The harvest season had long passed by now and there were very few farmers outside as they were preparing for the coming of winter.

Winter was a season when food couldn’t be harvested, so the people relied on stockpiled food to pass through it. This was a challenging matter for the commoners in this period.

Xylma sighed ruefully. The people of the lowest rung of society bore a lot of hardships daily, yet a strong sorcerer like her already possessed the ability to travel overseas alone without any inhibitions, and total riches received from the President as allowance during her school years at the Helgium academy.

The situation is too unfair. The wealth gap between the livelihoods of people, scholars, and nobility was just that big.

All this was won through influence, ease of corruption within the government, and most cases, inheritance.

Naturally, luck and birth was also a factor. No matter how you are a skilled and educated person without a noble's backing, social standing, or whatever special perks you have, you're going to be below the poverty line.

Xylma raises her head, watching the skies in subtlety.

What she envisioned lies in the nation's reformation. M-mn?

Still, there's a question that sometimes passes through her head when she is reminded of those imperials.

Miss President and higher-ups don't tell us the reason, why did they keep those imperials as refugees? Not to mention the gold digger concubines who are doing nothing but cry out every time regarding their husbands' death? Why not erase their memories and sent them back to the empire?

Suddenly, Xylma stopped in her tracks and both eyes widened.

“D-Don't tell me… ha… haha… hahaha…”

She let out strained and wicked laughter after and continued.


“My lady, I have another announcement, if I may.”

Her attendant, Noelle's hesitant voice pulled her from reverie.

“Yes, I’m sorry Noelle. Go on.”
“You have received a letter from the young prince.”

The foreign princess from the Alkatross Kingdom in the south, Mariel took the letter and quickly read it.

He had neat, beautiful handwriting. Mariel remembered when she met that cute boy by coincidence that day in the nearest town to the capital.

He looked so much like Rooks, with those brilliant golden-colored eyes and gorgeous golden hair.

He was very handsome in the sunlight and reminded her of the perfect fairy tale prince. But the contents of the letter were harshly realistic, contrasting greatly with that mental image. Mariel frowned as she continued reading.

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