11 - Heather King Poncho [FINAL]

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A month after Luna in disguise became an instructor at the Helgium Academy, war cries roared across the field as the royal cavalry raced towards the enemy headquarters near the shorelines of the northern parts of Heather. 

The people of the border fort, except for King Poncho Heather IX and his aide, watched the scene unfold with amazement.

"Is that the expedition?"

"Yes, it's the Undefeated General, the Archduke Whillistine himself. They're in a perfect position," replied the wrinkled old man, King Poncho, dressed in luxurious robes.

"But I heard the army was routed!"

"That was a lie," the king said casually. "I knew there was someone conspiring with the enemy, so I had to make sure they didn't get word of this. If you want to fool your enemies, you have to fool your allies first."

"And they believed it straight away. It made my job a lot easier," added the king's aide, demonstrating his enigmatic personality. The high-ranking noble realized that he had been naive about this kind of thing.

"But the difference in strength..."

The situation was clearly disadvantageous, as the numbers were overwhelmingly in the enemy's favor.

"Yes, but there's a simple way to end the battle quickly," the old king said.

The sweaty, plump noble paused to think for a few seconds before his eyes widened in realization. "Your Highness, you don't mean to...?"

The old king grinned in response. "Trying to move all imperials to one location. Not even the strongest fighter can move without his head. An army is no different."

"But surely defeating the enemy's supreme commander with an army of that size would be next to impossible," the noble pointed out.

"That's true. If this was a normal battle, it would be pretty difficult," King Poncho nodded. "But this isn't a normal battle. The imperial army is assured of victory due to the overwhelming difference in numbers and their deal with traitors. This battlefield is nothing more than the site of a trade between the traitors and the empire. The enemy fully believes that they have already won the battle, which invites carelessness. Plus, I have an asset that the enemy is unaware of."

A careless enemy, a force that was thought to have been annihilated, a reverse ambush, an undefeated general, and then his secret service. 

King Poncho had prepared for the worst as he drafted his strategy. It was a cunning plan that even made use of the initial ambush itself. Now it was time for that plan to prove itself.
All that's left is... King Poncho had done all he could. 

Now all he could do was believe in his army.

"Everything will be fine. My faithful Whillistines are out there,"

King Poncho said with his usual smile.

The ambush succeeded initially. However, the enemy army was large, and the longer they took the more time the enemy would have to tighten their formation and strengthen the defenses around their commander. But that was exactly what Rooks Whillistine was waiting for, the one who was renowned as the Kingdom's strongest mage and the fat boy who currently studying at the Academy.

Behind the densest throng of soldiers lay the enemy's supreme commander.

The moment they had ascertained his location, a wind cut through the enemy army in a straight line. It blew past a large number of enemy soldiers, flinging them into the air and scattering them like leaves, leaving a clear path to the headquarters where the supreme commander sat.

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