Chapter 37- Casual Talk Between Anna And Homer

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One day after the war and the death of the vice-president, Luna precedes a new election for the vacant position, and at this moment she looks closer to the screen showing the tally of votes to make sure she is always updated until the last second of the election day.

Shortly after, Xylma popped up in the corner of the presidential room, politely bowed, and saluted her firmly.

President Luna let her little mage report and nodded, contending to what she listened to.

Xylma took something in her pouch and gracefully give those to her superior.

Luna grabbed and look at the pictures.

Sattelite images and photos taken by drones show a huge strange wooden ship and its banners composed of several flags.

Given their current location, speed, and course intended to be, this strange ship will likely go to the shores of Catanduanes Island.

Given their current location, speed, and course intended to be, this strange ship will likely go to the shores of Catanduanes Island

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This bothers Luna a lot.

What exactly are their intentions? Why would a group of nations from the far east want from them? Although they are too far from the Philippines, these nation-states can still be observed from space and study them.

A slap in her face. It was like the United States of America trying to negotiate with them and want to assert their political ideologies and dominance over the world. Although twice closer compared back to Earth, still they posed a tremendous threat.

Each nation if the data collected is reliable, is nearly powerful as that of Heather and Alkatross Kingdom.

After all, for Luna and everybody, the unknown is terrifying however before this ship goes to the country, they need to confront the Philippine fleets stationed there at the eastern barricade islands.

Upon looking at it seriously, it was twice the size of her cruise ship and arguably enough, infused in some kind of huge bubble similar to that golden ships she acquired yet this kind of defensive structure looks stronger and thicker— rainbow hues upon it when reflecting sunlight.

Luna goes back to her seat and planned again for countermeasures against possible threats these nations could offer to the table.

Xylma straightened herself and look at the monitor for a while before she leaves.

A sudden question passed through her head. She observes the situation, seeks the right timing, and asks Luna without reservation.

“Miss President, may I ask something?“
“Go ahead”

While Luna checked something on her pad together with AI Kiki on it, they suddenly stopped upon hearing a question they always set aside.

“Democracy, Communism, Federalism, Socialism— our neighbors are monarchies and imperialism so Miss President, just what kind of government is the Philippine government?“

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