Chapter 33- First Naval Warfare

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" just as you said Sir DFA Secretary Ferdy if we lend all mages we have on this country to assist the Philippines for the upcoming war, we may be unable to protect our civilians from remaining hiding demons. We even have no sorcerers left. Compare to northern kingdoms, our only Magical Force are below average"

A huge hall of less than a thousand mages had been seen gathering just beside the New Icya Government Central Office, listening to an icebreaker and a few AFP four-star generals regarding the matter.

Anticipating that war would soon begin on the northernmost island of the Philippines, had come to the New Icya Central City to explain the situation in a summary report written in the region's language to Vice President Inam. Foreign Affairs secretary Ferdy was struck speechless upon hearing this.

After the entire country was suddenly going to become a human farm for demons, having been completely cut off from the outside due to Demon Lord's domain, and now been freed from hopeless tyranny, the New Icya government received an ultimatum from their President: eliminate all demons within the country to zero.

In the perspective eyes of the common Iclylicians, the Federal States of the Philippines had been a miracle grace brought upon by the heavens to save them from hell; establishing bilateral relations with them had been vital for securing absolute national security.

Furthermore, Iclylicians' great luck was not over. The Federal States of the Philippines was highly resourceful, single-handedly able to supply almost all other materials and technology beyond imagination.

In terms of aids, it appeared that the Philippines's transference miraculously sent it exactly where it could painlessly resolve all problems of the archipelagic nation. While sharing quantechnologies regarding modern warfare is out of the question, they had to search all existing spellcasters and undergo training including the current warriors for constant patrols. They had enough numbers to protect all cities, towns, and villages all over the six islands.

But now, all of a sudden, the Philippines was saying that they want to borrow all mages and some warriors of the New Icya for the naval war. If that were to happen, within days, all their communities and towns were vulnerable to leftover demons.

"Is there nothing that can be done, otherwise? If there were no mages within days for my fellow countrymen, There will be possible casualties. as Vice President and Chief Royal of Icyan Forces, I am afraid I can't do that. Sir. And my army doesn't have experience enough regarding those weapons you donated or what you call it- modern warfare."

"We understand and sympathize deeply with your concerns. However, those twin empires are extremely powerful countries when it comes to concepts unknown to us- magic technology.

We have observed them grouping up their navies from the space above. Should war begin, we will defend the Philippines' territorial integrity till the very end. Our presidents concluded this is the best opportunity for both countries, to gain experiences and strengthen our relationships.

Under the presidential decree given to me, I relay this message that we will provide enough military to protect your people in those vulnerable times.

Furthermore, your President approves it just minutes ago and your signature is only needed.

We come here with goodwill, not only as a friend but again to remind your commitment to our Phil-Icya Mutual Defense Treaty. Though subjectively we aren't forcing you to play your part.

If you didn't heed to her royal excellence, President Icya, it would cause a bit of internal political issues on your side and a diplomatic gap between us..."

Foreign Affairs Minister Fredy said reasonably and calmly and pressed a letter to Vice President's table. Inam unfolded it and browse the contents.

The Phil-Icya Mutual Defense Treaty between the Federal States of the Philippines and the Republic of New Icya is a treaty that was signed on the 200th day of the calendar year in the Central Island, between representatives of the Philippines and the Iclylic. The overall accord contains eight articles and dictates for both nations to support each other if an external party attacks the Philippines or the New Icya.

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